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Why IS it possible to make an GODLY 20 dex helmet
Why 10 GM's got SACKED in 1 time
Why Is it possible for an 12y/o to get an Guide-Possition
What is the Real Reason Slappy left?!
Why is It so easy to Bypass GameGaurd ( and they say it cant be be used for RYL1 ... LOL )
Why IF a friend is trying to pull out the flaws of Gamegaurd he gets banned for helping
( PLZ post some sence to this dont flame i want some answers since i left )
Why IS it possible to make an GODLY 20 dex helmet
Why not?
Why 10 GM's got SACKED in 1 time
Why not?
Why Is it possible for an 12y/o to get an Guide-Possition
? can't understand
What is the Real Reason Slappy left?!
Why is It so easy to Bypass GameGaurd ( and they say it cant be be used for RYL1 ... LOL )
Bypass for what? Speed Hack?
Why IF a friend is trying to pull out the flaws of Gamegaurd he gets banned for helping
( PLZ post some sence to this dont flame i want some answers since i left )
And the reason is : This game is suk ^.^
Alot like DIABLO even the admin tool
So lolz, how can they play this game?
Graphic is suck without skill.
Yep, this game is suck
LOL, i've never heard about this before!
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
kenshin stop spamming plz
he is banned ^^
lol ok
The game rox alot, but PWG and YOUXILAND make this game insane sux!!
There is some brazilians looking to buy the game and i hope they can do it, since PWg keeping destryong the game patch after patch!
BTW i think silkiroad will rox=D
i dun think the euro's or sumone else will actually buy the right so publisize ( if i spelled that correct ) the game to european public AND actually listen to the gamers. wont work ull lose millions at the end
ITS all about the gamer PWG doesnt understand that obviously.
but wait... u can make godly helms? wtf how?
10 GM's got sacked coz (i dunno i assume) they were against the firing of Slappy.
i dont care how old u r, if ur kno ur stuff and not hav a moron attitude, dats good enuff 4 me 2 b a guide.
real reason slappy left? people say he took funds from PwG that were 4 da mil tournament (corse i dunno, but from what ive heard, its prolly da best explanation)
GayGuard... well... is gay.
nice to see ya dark sage. i get that also pote wants to go free play ? ( even when its free i wont go back nether will baha or rot. )
u know u guys could have keep on playing RYL 1... if MY can adjust gamegaurd why pote cant?
Only a guy try to spam
I'm playing RYL2 but it has alots of bugs. Bug Quest, Bug Playing, ....
So i 've just leave.
its better if u dont come back, i came back 2 ryl2 MY for a few weeks, i built up 150 mil and got 2 70ish solo jst 2 upgrade everything on a 160 dex armor, once i finished it was full A with hp close to AA, i drop it by mistake as i was taking it out, boom! crash! i lose the armor. screw that.
i dont play either version anymore, ryl 2 my? hell no, pote? not wroth da money.
i just hang around da MY forums sometimes 4 help answer questions or jst spam
hehe i still play ryl1 but its getting boring its an good thing RF came out ^_^
but wait... u can make godly helms? wtf how?
10 GM's got sacked coz (i dunno i assume) they were against the firing of Slappy.
i dont care how old u r, if ur kno ur stuff and not hav a moron attitude, dats good enuff 4 me 2 b a guide.
real reason slappy left? people say he took funds from PwG that were 4 da mil tournament (corse i dunno, but from what ive heard, its prolly da best explanation)
GayGuard... well... is gay.
Ok, I've seen plenty of speculation and theories on "what happened to Slappy" and the like. My favorite rumor is that I impregnated an immigrant while on vacation and am living comfortably in the hills of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Mexico... As much as I wish I were living in the hills of Mexico, the reality of my situation is much more boring.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I must admit however the absurdity that there would be a rumor about me stealing funds that I in no way had access too, but such is the power of the Internet, and the simple minded trolls that have nothing better to do than create drama. I mean, isn't there enough drama in life without having to create it?
If you want the truth, follow along, won't you? Follow the white rabbit, so to speak.
I left Planetwide Games on August 22, 2005. It wasn't because I was angry, or hated anybody there. It was because I was burned out. For the year and a half leading up to August, I was working way too many hours. When I wasn't at work, I was working at home... Work, work, work, work, work! I loved my team and would die for them, strangely enough, I almost did.
During that time, on 2 different occasions, I ended up in the hospital. BOTH times, nobody could figure out what was wrong with me. At one point, my internal organs were shutting down and my medical team had to take emergency precautions to make sure that I would live through the episodes. During these hospital visits I had multiple operations to ensure I would live and also for random testing purposes. They removed my Appendix, removed 4 inches of my digestive tract, removed an ulcer which had grown it's own blood supply directly to my stomach (extremely rare I'm told), 2 lymph nodes and various other minor operations. At the end, they theorised that I was exhausted and that I needed to change my lifestyle. I was also told that I needed to lose 70 pounds!
I went back to work after being in the hospital for a few weeks and I realized that I needed to make some changes. I could see how stress was affecting me, not just at work, but at home. These types of stresses led my fiancee of 5 years to be forcefully moved to Iowa and I ended that relationship on the 4th of July.
This just added to the stress of work and my health issues which all reflected on me at work. I was completely frustrated in the direction that Planetwide was heading with it's new management. Not that they were making bad decisions or anything, we just weren't expanding as quickly as I would have liked and a few projects that I brought to the company fell through with little or no support, which just added to my stress and frustration. There are two types of people in the game industry, creative types and business types. Most of the time, those two don't mix very well and I am most certainly not a business type.
Planetwide and I agreed to part ways in August. We both agreed to not talk about what had happened, which just gave some of you fuel to go nuts with the theories. It wasn't a hateful situation, there was no anger or conspiracy, we just thought it would be best for me and the company to part ways. It's really that simple.
I took a few months off of work (5 to be exact) to try to get my life back in order and to hopefully get back the desire to make games. I moved to a new place, made some new friends, started talking with some old friends, and took the time off to relax. I spent a lot of time writing music, writing stories, watching sunsets, and spent time with my kids.
I started looking for work in January because after 4 months of relaxing, I was bored. I wanted to do something different, but along the same lines of what I had been doing for the past 11 years. The one complaint about the video game industry in general, is that as soon as a project is done, people go their separate ways and then they typically re-invent the wheel. This mindset drove me absolutely nuts! I wanted to find a place that wanted me to be there, not just because I'm a producer, but because they wanted ME specifically.
On February 6 (1 day before my birthday) I started working for Mattel. Yes, I am officially a "Barbie-boy". I'm working on 11 different projects currently and although I miss my old crew at Planetwide, I'm having the best time that I have had making games in YEARS. On top of that, I'm working on Movies, toys, games, and few other things. This job lets me be much more creative than the past couple of projects that I've worked on. The people here are amazing and this company is really good to it's people. They believe in building lifelong relationships with their employees and have made me feel VERY wanted. As you can imagine, there probably aren't a lot of people out there with 11 years experience that would want to go make chidlrens games, but I love it. I love that I can also relax a little bit with the breakneck schedule I had been keeping in the past.
So that's where I am today. I'm not in jail, or mexico, or outer space. I'm working for Mattel and loving it. I'm also happy to say that I've lost 40 pounds and I feel better than I have in years. I'm on myspace if any of you want to check in on what else I've been up to, you can look me up by name, or by "spleenhole" which is my alter-ego.
Be nice to each other, because at the end of the day, that's all you've got!
O.o Slappy - u made me read way too much for 1 post!!!!!!!!
now really - as long as u happy everything is cool. although i liked the rumers much more then the Truth - they made it more intersting :P