There is no Gameplay featured in this video (don't want to give anyone the wrong idea). This is my first impressions of the game's concept (and I openly admit, I am a fan). Check it out if you want a quick summary about what this game is about!
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I can say that from what I've seen, the game looks beautiful.
Also love the way he said 'half a million dollars of his own money' about one of the developers. Curt Schilling spent 50 million and what did that get him?
Novel concept, make a game worth playing release it in some form...paid alpha, head start, 'founders' pack etc and then make your money. These guys are all in love with getting money up front and free rolling a project with players money, players whom they will eventually look to fleece even more through a cash shop or some other micro transaction system.
Ark is putting all these guys to shame. This game comes form out of no where on Steam Greenlight and sells a million copies in less than a month, and even after that initial surge (which in these days dies out fast) they sold another million copies over the next 8-10 weeks.
I never heard word one about them begging for money on a kickstarter program. yet they had delivered a dozen major league updates to the game as well as about 50 smaller organizational updates.
This game has Star Citizen scam written all over it. All these 'real life' and 'real world' concepts theyre shoveling are basically going to be based on totally unrealistic stretch goal plateaus. This video basically confirms that you cant get escited about a game and all the promises and big ideas they have because these days all those dreams and ideas are completely proportionate to how much money players are willing to spend to make them happen.
That being said - I am as much a skeptic as anyone else. I never paid into the Crowfall Kickstarter, and I reluctantly bought into Star Citizen. Why am I so passionate about this game? Because of the transparent nature the game's developers have applied to the release of information. Every week - they come out with a new Design Journal - they participate in Fan Initiated Design Discussion panels (which I personally host, live). They host their own weekly Question and Answer sessions. Then - the Technical Lead himself, Caspian (Jeromy Walsh) actually lurks the chat room and will actually answer questions people have throughout the day. This is a community where everyone knows everyone, and if you really want to talk to a Dev about something, you can. I haven't seen that kind of Dev/Player relationship since 2001.
Further, the design concepts they are advocating are not that far-fetched or hard to accomplish as many of you make it out to be. This is a game that was pitched and has been worked on since 2008. Yes, I mentioned that the mastermind behind it all forked over $500k, to begin work on this project - but that's just the thing. This project has been a labor of love of his since 2008. He has been working on the Soulborne Engine and the game ever since.
They will have a playable demo at PAX East. They plan to release in 2016.
This natural apprehension surrounding independent studios with big ideas is a fairly new concept - but an understandable one. I remember when Blizzard was a small studio coming out with Lost Vikings, and Warcraft. People back then bought into their ideas, and supported them. They brought to gaming the "Gold" Standard. All of that went away when they started working with their Publisher, and many of the old Blizzard Guard has left.
Perhaps I'm just an 'Older' gamer now. But back in the day, we went to small independent studios to innovate new genres and new ideas. Jeromy Walsh calls this a Dynamic World MMORPG (Hybrid Theme-park, Sandbox idea with elements of randomness built in). He is innovating the market. Major Publishers won't do it (just like I said in the video) and they have had over a decade to prove me wrong!
I'm tired of waiting for someone with cash to make the game I've been dreaming of back in the UO days. Jeromy Walsh and his team will lead this project to success. This, I can assure you.
Not stuff they haven't planned, unless it's an excellent core feature suggested by a community member. If they only get $10,000 in a kickstarter, that might be an assistant dev for 1-2 weeks max if that.
But $1,000,000 will net them a nice core team of members + computers to work from (assuming they don't have hardware for them in recruitment).
I'm happy if they release the core features they've announced thus-far for having and we wait 3-6 months after launch for updates to enable more functions for players... IE: underground building / exploration, that mechanic can wait if it isn't already in-place for a few months imo.
In the Q&A just passed this was also covered to some degree.
So it isn't like other crowd-funding that do a kickstarter and say "if we sell 2500 units of this concept, we'll design it... eventually, maybe..." it's "This is our business plan and game design plans, if we get XYZ money we can do all of this as we can recruit those staff" without it, things will take longer.
Finite Resources, WYSIWYG looting to player created and maintained maps and a deep modular crafting system. So much more that hasn't been said, ask questions! Post your thoughts! Spread the word of COE!
If you haven't yet, register with my referrer code on the official website: B0E240
As an RPG player I have to say it's about God damn time.
Keeping a close eye on it. Best of luck.
You stay sassy!