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Crowd Control: What's DAoC's system?

LustmordLustmord Member UncommonPosts: 1,114

How does DAoC handle stuns, fears, mezz's, charms, and roots?




  • JulianDracosJulianDracos Member UncommonPosts: 1,528

    Stuns: short duration - under 10 seconds. These cannot be broken
    Mez: single or area effect. Can last up to 1 min. If you take any damage the mez is broken
    Fear: anything like this only works in PvE
    Charms: only used against mobs. You can then use them as pets against enemy players. There is a check every few seconds to see if the charm breaks. It depends on the level of the charm and the level of the caster.
    Roots: slows the targets down. Most roots are broken if the target takes damage.

    After you are subject to a spell, then you have a 1 min immuniyt timer preventing the spell from working on you.

  • flea1flea1 Member Posts: 250

    thats a semi answer

    stun be it aoe or single target is paralasis this is when the 8 man team all /asists and annialtes your party

    mezz single target or aoe puts you or your party to sleep can last a long time there are some ras to aid in recovering from this fast but the timers on them still make it hard. Once again /assist annialte party

    root single target or aoe your imobilized but can still fight. Not used to often in rvr.

    Basicly these spells are rvr its who gets off the aoe mezz stun first or if sos is up.


    Orky Name Generator, only at

  • LasastardLasastard Member Posts: 604

    in addition:

    The duration of any Crowd Control (CC) - except shield/melee stun - depends on your resists to the specific "damage type" of the cc spell (often spirit, energy or matter). The higher your resists the more likely you are to resist the spell and the shorter the duration.
    Melee classes like the warrior, blademaster or Armsman also have an innate 25% reduction to any form of CC spells.
    On top of that you can use your earned realmpoints (RvR rewards) to increase this reduction-bonus even further (determination).

    By this full tanks can gain almost full immunity to most cc spells (resists on armor, resist-buffs, 25% base-determination, realmability "determination").

    There is also a realmability for bards, skalds and minstrels called "Speed of Sound" that grants the full group an immunity to any kind of CC for a certain duration (this effect is broken as soon as you attack an enemy).

  • LustmordLustmord Member UncommonPosts: 1,114

    So, how is overall balance?

    1v1 Balance and RvR Balance?

  • JulianDracosJulianDracos Member UncommonPosts: 1,528

    Originally posted by Lustmord
    So, how is overall balance?
    1v1 Balance and RvR Balance?

    It is impossible to balance a game on a 1x1 level. The only way is to play a FPS or only have 1 class that everyone plays. There are 44 classes in this game with a myriad of abilities. So if you are wanting it so that if you play any class you have a 50% chance of winning, it just cannot happen.

    RvR balance is fine. I cannot say that any one side has any advantage over the others any longer. The complaints you hear about RvR balance either come from the misguided notion that every class should have a 50% chance of winning a battle, or from people who run out into the battlegrounds solo or in a small group versus 50 enemy players.

  • flea1flea1 Member Posts: 250

    It is impossible to balance a game on a 1x1 level. The only way is to play a FPS or only have 1 class that everyone plays. There are 44 classes in this game with a myriad of abilities. So if you are wanting it so that if you play any class you have a 50% chance of winning, it just cannot happen.

    RvR balance is fine. I cannot say that any one side has any advantage over the others any longer. The complaints you hear about RvR balance either come from the misguided notion that every class should have a 50% chance of winning a battle, or from people who run out into the battlegrounds solo or in a small group versus 50 enemy players. [/b][/quote]

    Dont give me misguided notion. In any rvr fight it comes down to 2 things. /assist and cc. 8 vs its basicly 50 /50 if both teams know how to play. If one catches the other off guard the mezz lands and its over. Sometimes they do spot each other at the same time sos goes off and its a fun fight. When in 3 seconds a team can dish out over 8000+ damage your not getting healed your dead.


    Orky Name Generator, only at

  • JulianDracosJulianDracos Member UncommonPosts: 1,528

    I can't say that your comments make much sense to me flea. It is misguided to think that every CLASS has a 50/50 chance versus every other class. I do not think that a druid speced for healing has much chance aggainst a fire wizzy. Not every 8 vs 8 has a 50/50 chance either. It depends on the group. If you are in a dedicated 8 man group with a specific set of classes vs another the same way then it is 50%, but if it is 8 vs a zerg then the 8 man is going to die. If it is a 8 man vs another 8 man pick up group, the pick up has a much smaller chance. If it is zerg vs zerg the battle can go on for a bit of time if there are towers/keeps to retreat into.

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