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Ok Im being serious i just want to list a few things about wow that piss me off and someone a fan boy a troll anyone tell me how this game is the best game if it has such glaring flaws? 1) EVERYTHING is stolen from another game and put into one game... (not as bad as the rest but really annoying since the only things they come up with are garbage) 2) average age for community 11 with anger problems .... 3) pvp THEY MADE PVP A GRIND dear god this is one of the simplest things you can put in a game and not screw up to much they screwed it up THEY MADE IT A GRIND there is nothing and i mean nothing you can say to say other wise. 4) Leveling to fast 5) Once you level to fast you have to sign a contract to give up your life in reality to acquire items so you can grind in pvp haha (its a loop of doom?) You have to raid like 5+ hours and not even a guarantee that you get the item you want...oh lord why? To top that off you need to kiss ass to get into a good guild run by one of those pissed 11 year olds...ok if we put ALL of that aside the character creation is very vanilla nothing special there (i mean the least they could of done was steal CoH character design) 6) Lack of expansions / good updates Ok lets look they managed to nerf the shit out of things when they revamp skill trees they add maybe 2 skills a bunch of flashy icons and maybe rearrange the skills. But look they make no real changes...none at all...EXCEPT adding more raids that require your soul? While adding nothing to the middle of the game....(though you cant expect them to since your suppose to get 60 in a week) I dont see it someone just explain to me what it is this game brings to the table? (Also id like to add if we took away the blizzard label and gave it a name like War of races....that had nothing to do with the franchise would you people even play this?)
P.S. Why is it most of you wow people who frequent this site just bash every other game with the same review you gave the previous? o_O At least make up some original crap every time you make fake reviews.
Dont get Mad! Get Glad! and go Play WoW!
While most of your post was subjective, one thing I did disagree with. PVP is not the easiest thing to put in a game and not screw it up. It is actually the easiest way to lose customers if you dont do it right. Did they do it right? My take is they didnt but I can live with what it is.
As far as WOW posters posting on other games and busting on them.....they are the trolls....every game has them. Is this game unique? Probably not. Is it fun for a TON of people? Yes. My only suggetion to the dozen or so people that come into these forums every week to complain.....leave. There are too many other games out there to choose from, if you dont like this one...find another one and be happy.
Valinus1 i totally agree with you, i've been a WC fan since i played warcraft 1 and 2 in the 90s, around 95 or 96, but your post hurt my eyes man, it almost made my eyes bleed, might as well press ENTER after every point you write, please ?
well as far as how wow goes, it's realy fun leveling up, but beyond that it's pointless to keep playing the game, even if you make another charcter you'll end up doing the same quests over and over again, WHICH is not a good thing, neither for the fun of the gameplay nor for the health.
O Rly? Lol.
Blizzard has stated their goal was to implement what they thought were the best aspects of previous and existing games.
Pot meet Kettle ... I'd say you're not too far behind; either in terms of age or disposition.
No, you make it a grind. I tend to prefer 'world pvp' and I could care less about rank. There are plenty of players that choose to farm for CP, but that's their choice.
What part of 'casual game' did you miss?
If you don't like 'kissing ass to pissed-off 11 year olds', create your own guild.
Most raiding guilds have a dkp system to reward those that can put forth the effort, which can be considerable the first few runs of an upper-end instance.
I'll agree with you about character creation; it's adequate, but not too in-depth.
Since release, Blizzard has actually released quite a bit of new content; even for the middle game. They've added new quests, battlegrounds, and instances, such as Maruadon, all of which affect players under level 50.
I've said many times that most players tend to forget that the epic level instances allow you to do them over a week. I'm aware of a few guilds that purposefully split their raids into multiple evenings.
WoW brings a fun, casual, stable environment; something missing from most current mmos.
Again, I have to go with .... Pot meet Kettle. ^_^
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Apologies, I didn't intend to make you cry. Nor did I intend to sling insults; just reflecting your own words. ^_^
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
wow....for someone who hates little kids so much you sure whine like one
on a more serious note....tell me why anyone who likes a game and defends it from people that don't have their facts straight(like you in this case) are automatically fanboys....but to start something new i will call you the antifanboy, someone who no matter what will constantly flame a game they have chosen to hate
oh yes, one more thing paragraphs ftw your post made my eyes bleed
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
so wait just a second, you come here to flame WoW and its fanbase because people came to your games forums and flamed hypocritical of you.
and....i went over to some of the other games general forums and there are considerably less flames to those games then WoW...i would go as far to say that all of them combined would not equal just one day on this forum...
so i have come to the conclusion that you are truly a antifanboy, here to flame the game no matter what in ever way possible.
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
yep ive decided its time for you to find a new forum to spit your venom - gonna miss ya (not really)
bye bye now take care
Whannnnn Whannnnn dat is the sound of 20 year old babies
This kid doesn't know anything and, can't even put his thoughts into a readable format.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
The thing about lvling too fast well blizzard wanted to do a fun MMO not a tedious lvl grinding frustrating MMO.
If u want to lvl very slow well dont quest just grind and logout outside a city/inn so that your character doesnt have rested status.
The community is alright eventhough there are some morons. Well 3.5 million people plays this game there allot of chances to meet a moron or a couple of them.
High end raids they take time but is cool that your raid gets saved in the server so that you wont have to be 8 hrs doin a dungeon. And tlaking about dungeons i like the idea that they are instanced cuase man imagine MC if it wasnt instanced.
IMO i think Blizzard just did everything right in WoW but theres something that they did wrong the druid sets god they suck so much for pvp it is ridiculous.
But well everyone has diferent tastes.
IcoGames, I tend to disagree about WoW being a game for casual gamers. Once you reach to the end-game, then it's just mad no-life'ing just to get yourself some nice epics or a good rank in PvP.
I mean, how can this game be for a casual gamer that needs you to raid a dungeon in the end-game for like 5+ hours?
Also, people want to get good ranks, but you gotta get them at the cost of playing for anhoter 10-13 hours straigth.
Basically at the end-game, a casual player couldn't never compete with guys, who run MC/BWL/AQ, even with those new 0.5 tier armor sets.
As for PvP, you may not reach Grand Marshal, but you with a little effort you can at least reach the Knight ranks. Once you've reached a rank, you'll always be able to purchase that gear even if you decrease in rank.
However, some of the best pvp gear is from the battlegrounds themselves. AV may not be a 'casuals' choice, since it can take a few hours depending on the efficiency of either side. You should be able to get in a few rounds of both WSG and AB in an hour or two.
Beyond those, there are the quests in Silithus. Some of those have epic gear as rewards and were purposely placed for casual players. Then there's the rep quests; somewhat boring imo, but none-the-less they're there for solo players.
Believe me, epic gear is nice, but by no means does it make up for poor pvp tatics. I can't tell you how many nooblets I see standing in one place getting hacked apart by 'smart pvpers' using nothing but a few rare (blue) items.
Having said all that, I do agree that Blizzard should release more casual content. For example, I'd like to see more 5 or 10 man raid events, such as Dire Maul.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
I don't have a clue why you're all fucking about like this.. it's pathetic. Just play the damn game or don't, and shut the f*ck up, please. I don't think anyone wants to hear a fight over a game. who tbh gives a crap?
If you guys wanna fight over a video game go ahead, I just look down onto you and see you as pathetic idiots fighting over a scrap of metal. idiots.
now go ahead and call me a troll or whatever it's called, maybe this is trolling, I don't care. what you're all doing is pathetic. Taking something fun and perverting it into something to fight and staggle over. You disgust me guys.
Who said WoW was the "best"? You can't state a game to be the best. WoW is just a game, if you are going to rant about the goddamn numbers you can say there are just about as many players playing other games than WoW. So the numbers are meaningless.
1) Of course, nothing new at all, that's why it's directed towards being "easy to get into". I would say it looks more like an everquest copy, so if you like either of them it could be very easy to like the other one.
2) Age does not have a really strong influence upon of how the community will act. People does not have to be young to be incredibly arrogant. But one thing is for sure and that is that WoW has an awful community, I have no idea why, perhaps because the game is so item based so people feel more greed? I dunno, you tell me?
3) True that, not to mention implementing instanced battlegrounds ... Who really cares about honor points anyway?
4) This ain't something you can bash the game with, truly, you can modify how fast you want to level. If the game is made to be able to reach max level fast there should be alot of content instead ... sadly I cannot find this content in WoW.
5) Top reason I don't play WoW, end game is a loop. Farming for items, playing with huge raids at the same instances for ghost points ... When you get the items you need, then what ..? PvP untill your brain explodes? Fore more ghost honor points?
6) I agree... I have seen good patching though, but mostly it's like they have an incredibly scale problem, they put weight on the right side, it overweights the other, they put more on the left to balance it out, it gets catastrophous... When you pick a profession you can't tell for how long it will remain the same -.- WHenever the community has whined enough to win and force out another "balance" patch... also the expansion, will not really add anything with substance, hey! What is the most easy things we could possible add to this game? I know! More levels and items! YAY! ... yea ...
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "