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Funcom’s The Secret World is gearing up for the release of Issue 13 this week and there are quite a lot of things that are happening. Issue 13 is a brand new issue that people can purchase. It comes packed with five new missions, a host of achievements, rewards and more. We had the opportunity to speak with Romain Amiel about Issue 13, something he and the team are clearly very excited about.
I just started playing again a couple weeks ago. I will definitely be getting the new issue even though I haven't reached Tokyo yet.
same here, i started a new character to get the swing of things again, seems like lots of content to catch up on.
So, just for the full picture's sake with #13 the pvp starting locations will be randomized amongst the factions at each match, role won't be fixed anymore instead it can be changed during the match according to what the team and the situation needs, and they invert the relic behaviour in ED. That last one sounds interesting, and somewhat fitting to the lore as well - keeping strange old relics is not good for your health
Don't know if those are big or small changes, maybe a pvp-er could speak about it.