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NCSoft has released a new trailer that gives hints to players about what they can expect in the next several months via content updates. The video features snow-capped mountains, beautifully detailed palaces, wicked looking monsters, epic fights and much more. See what you think in this minute plus teaser and leave us your thoughts in the comments.
So looks like a good chunk of content to come. soon
And Achesoma that is the Warlock class that is coming:P
Yeah they(NCSoft Branding Manager) did say at end of the Live Stream Launch Event after showing this trailer that in the next few months the NA/EU regions will be getting t he level 50 cap, Warlock class(already in game they just need to flip the switch she said), Silverfrost continent. New dungeons and crafting for clans and outfits. Also Mushin tower floors 1-7 with 8 to follow shortly thereafter(Korea currently has 20 floors).
So looks like a good chunk of content to come. soon
And Achesoma that is the Warlock class that is coming:P
Cool, thanks! I've seen people mention the Warlock class from Kr version but haven't looked into yet. Looks pretty badass.
Is that Gambit looking dude at the end a new class or just some NPC?
Warlock, hope they will add it soon since you can already find item for it
Is that Gambit looking dude at the end a new class or just some NPC?
This is warlock! :D