You are wrong about Tully. Casey Hudson and Mac Walters ruined the ending and hijacked the writers wrong when the time came to craft it. I know this because I'm friends with Drew and Patrick Weekes. The guy who helped write Mass Effect 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic (both the game and MMO).
Patrick who is a damn good writer too also said as much. Drew got told this by friends still with Bioware. Regardless can't speak to the other things but you are horriblly incorrect about that assumption with Tully. Which means the rest of your facts probably shit the bed.
You know what? And correct me if I'm wrong here, but has one of these "Big named Devs" from the 80's and 90's actually created a playable game yet? No perma Alpha doesn't count...
All it seems to me is get a bit a money from some unnamed backers then run a Kickstarted Campaign... but what game has actually been released?
Me thinks new blood is needed...
Do you realize that the kickstarter for this game only ended 10 months ago? Do you expect them to create an entire MMO in that amount of time? They announced the game in January, 2015, the kickstarter ended in March, 2015, and they started inviting players into the test build in August, 2015. Show me another company that has had players testing that early in the process, besides Landmark which has become a shitshow.
Im not sure i really like the game design, but im sure they will finish it and the quality will be ok. why? Bacause they know, they have their asses on the line and failing would be ruining.
crowfall = new the wildstar flop of 2016/2017 mark my words
Yeah, I ended up backing the game out of personal interest, but considering wild star had such major trouble finding a home I'm not completely sure Crowfall is going to fare any better, either. There are so many good games fighting with one another on the same front that it's basically turning into the Ultimate Showdown / Ultimate Destiny scenario. Only instead of characters from TV shows we got MMORPGs of every flavor.
crowfall = new the wildstar flop of 2016/2017 mark my words
Yeah, I ended up backing the game out of personal interest, but considering wild star had such major trouble finding a home I'm not completely sure Crowfall is going to fare any better, either. There are so many good games fighting with one another on the same front that it's basically turning into the Ultimate Showdown / Ultimate Destiny scenario. Only instead of characters from TV shows we got MMORPGs of every flavor.
I'm not sure why you are comparing Wildstar to Crowfall as the games have virtually nothing and I repeat, nothing in common.
Patrick who is a damn good writer too also said as much. Drew got told this by friends still with Bioware. Regardless can't speak to the other things but you are horriblly incorrect about that assumption with Tully. Which means the rest of your facts probably shit the bed.
I'm not sure why you are comparing Wildstar to Crowfall as the games have virtually nothing and I repeat, nothing in common.