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So after mech' warrior 4 there was... nothing. Microsoft still owns the right to battletech, mech' warrior and everything that comes with them. There were a few console games made with mech's as a main focus... but what happened to PC mech's? Why the hell have they sat on the rights for this subculture of gamers for so long? Why the hell are they spending so much time making a PC OS look like a mac *cough* (vista) and no time at all on carrying this table top, pencil and dice, old school gameing subculture active. If your not going to do something with the resources you have, then sell them to someone who will or contract it out. With ID's graphic work and, Blizzards story writers and online community organization experience how could they go wrong?
I want to pilot 100 ton humanoid robots with flame throwers and 20 pack LRM's on the shoulders, omnimechs, and huge treaded mechs that withstand the most devastating of missle barrages. Running around a place like arathi highlands in a giant mech would make my entire year better, or standing on top of a mt. like Black Rock Spire in a heavy mech and raining long range missles on a group of little 20 ton chicken walkers striding through i firey wasteland... ahhhh to live a dream... I want to be able to blow the arm off an enemy with a P.P.C. then, pick it up and beat him with it. These things are what made the tabletop game great , also being able to level your pilot (well we did) while getting better parts for your mech.
Armored core was decent for PS2 mostly because of the cusom mech' configuration features, but, lacked the RPG element. What I really want to see is an MMORPG based on mech's, with instanced and non-instanced quests, an experience system for leveling your pilot, a free roaming PvP world, a crafting system, and a player economy concentrating on... obviously mech' upgrades (and bionic pilot upgrades, THH. I don't think I can take another Sword and Magi game... I need missles and energy weapons.
And yes I would like some cheese with my wine.
Just try it... I dare ya... Go ahaed...
Almost any idea could make a good MMO. Just have to keep the corporate and market nutjobs out of it.
Actually, I'd rather see a turn based Mech Commander 3 that was similar to Combat Mission. A Mech MMO could be cool, but it would end up being like Planetside with Grand Turismo (or Armour Core) style customization. It would be popular on many different levels. If it maintained the balance of the original board game, it would be almost perfect.
I'd go for a mech MMO, but not if it had RPG advancement. Give me a mech sim with thousands of people playing. Wooha!
When people will pay others to play a game for them it might be a sign the game isn't all that fun.
The Battletech universe is very well suited for an MMO. We have all the factions, their stances, the diplomatic, the extensive and in-depth combat. You could also have limitless possiblities of customizations if they include a large amount of mechs. You could also include the "hot-drop" choppers, the ground tanks and even infantry.
Who's up for the challenge?
I definately believe that the battletech universe is the perfect setting for an mmo, I envision something like autoassault but mech based. Highly customizable mechs and a healthy rpg element to improve the skills of you pilot. All the elements of a good rpg are there, factions, gear (mech'), crafting mech parts, an economy, and the ability to for guilds and complete difficult goals that one pilot alone cannot accomplish. I have faith that it would make a ton of money as long as they followed to battletech story line, artwork, and factions.
Just try it... I dare ya... Go ahaed...
mechwarrior 4 went to X-box. It is more profitable to sideways migrate a successful and fully developed game engine into a new market, than it is to upgrade the technology to keep up with the PC stream.
Two further iterations of the mw4 engine were made. (1 good, 1 bad).
Looks like these chaps are trying to make an MMO out of the old MW4 engine here.
MW4 engine doesn't require much bandwidth to run so maybe it will work. (1/4 kps per mech?)
With the introduction of next gen consoles, they can no longer make money form the same old GFX engine without spending some R&D money on it. Expect a new evolvement of the MW engine.
I too would also apprecite a new version of Mech Commander. I'm a big fan of MW.
Welp, I remember some years back I was a member of a site that had a online mech game, gamearcade or something like that. Was alright, 4 person squads of mechs and then everyoen organized themselves for battles on teh weekends.
I know that they were working on a new mech universe, and it was fairly far along and looked real good. Then the site got bought out by EA and everything went out the window then.
I just made a post about this on another forums, so kinda neat to see this one. I would LOVE to see a mech MMO. It would be a great setting for one, and the Mech has ALOT of followers, as you said, waiting for a new game. Been since 2001 or 2002 I beleive since the PC has seen a new one.
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
These games aren't based on Battletech, but they may scratch that itch until someone makes a Battletech (or Starsiege) MMO.
Iron War
Ray Crash
I'm not sure of that last one. I think it's more like MegaMan Battle Netwok than a traditional Mech game.