I am looking for a themepark MMO in the strain of WoW/LOTRO/SWTOR/Rift, essentially toolbars on toolbars of skills. I also want some progression raiding included. I am only interested in games less than 2 years old so I can easily catch up. Also please link me any upcoming titles so I can join the hype train. Thanks guys!
Or just wait for Pantheon.
Edit: It is good or bad depending on how you view it, but when new top end gear is added (which is usually every 3 - 4 patches with a new raid) they generally make the 'old' gear easier to get. This has the effect that no matter where you are in the progression (i.e. top end raiding or just casual dungeons) there is generally something new to work towards every ~6 months. Yes, it does also mean that all the sweet raid gear you spent weeks farming for is now not so sweet, but if you can get past that it's a good system for keeping all types of players busy over the long term, and if you do take a break, there is never too much of a grind to get back to the top.
If you skip that part, still none, due to "only interested in games less than 2 years old".
If you're willing to extend that timeframe into 2.5 years, then as others said, Wildstar is a fun game with dungeon and raid progression like of old days. It's f2p now, so you can check it for yourself.
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