If you check BDO world trailers the graphic are stunning compare what I see in game now, sure It is still a good looking game but what kind of crappy anti aliasing do that have now compare to the old trailers?
It's jaggy up close if for an example if you look at the houses and structures It's even worse on trees that are a little far away It's very pixle and jaggy It's so annoying and it kills the overall graphic experience for me.
I have everything on max except High End Mode options which I have tried to see any difference I lost about half the FPS when I turned that one on and still didn't see much of a difference.
And no I don't have Upscale turned on either.
I turned off anti aliasing and sure it got a little to crisp which I don't really enjoy but the jaggyness and the pixlated far off trees are still there.
Anyone got any ideas how to fix that Or was it one of their "optimizations" in other betas?
True but that dosent help the problem due to close trees also show pixlated and jaggyness in the tree canopy.