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A friend sent me a link to a game he heard of called The Ninth Domain. The game looks sweet from the shots on the site. No in game screenshots , but alot of art and renders of creatures, and 3 movies.
Check it out
wow interesting game...
Hmm. Not really much to see of it to be honest.
Sure COULD get a nice game.
Most likely will be one of the 100s of failing MMORPG projects.
There#s just not enough people to play them all.
Considering aproximately 450,000 people play EQ, 250,000 play DAoC, and between 10,000 and 300, 000 people play each of the other MMO's out there. Roughly 2.3 million people play the most popular online games out there and 6 billion people in the world, I think the world holds enough remaining people with computers to play at least 100 more MMO' least. here is some online game subscriber info world population info
You might be right though. They could fall victim to failure, although I would like to see it succeed. Call me crazy, but the characters alone look a heck of alot better than Horizon, Wish or Priest IMO.
Your quite the fanatic there Monkey, but I have to admit the game looks pretty damn good. I think there is still lots of space for good games out there and plenty of people left to play them. With Horizons and Wish looking pretty crappy I think ninth domain stands a good chance if it gets made. At least from the art and music.
PS - I can't stand the look of the Anime games like Lineage and Final Fantasy 11, so its nice to see that Ninth domain is taking a fresh approach with the look. I'm curious if people agree.
Game ideas sound great.
When life tastes like lemmon, take tequila and salt.
When life tastes like lemmon, take tequila and salt.
Don't get too excited. I think it won't be released untill 2005 at least.
When life tastes like lemmon, take tequila and salt.
When life tastes like lemmon, take tequila and salt.
NC > DAoC > EQ > UO > fecal matter > leper''s oily rags > SW:G
Old timer.
Well I hate to be the sceptic amongst us but someones got to do it, might as well be me.
First off it is made by a company called Tecktonic Studios. They have never made any other games in their company history. That is to say Ninth Domain would be their first game.
Now they propose that their first game will be a MMORPG. As we all know MMORPG are the largest and most complicated of all the gaming styles out there, and a MMORPG takes the most content of any other type of game. After all the most basic of MMORPG must at least have the same amount of content as Morrowind (a single player RPG) and that is a large game.
Next they are claiming to make the largest MMORPG to date by making many worlds to adventure in, all conected off of some sort of centeral hub? (or somthing fishy like that). That is indeed a HUGE undertaking.
Furthermore they dont seem to have any affiliation with any larger companies, that could help them with money. Im not sure of that, but reading their company websight I saw nothing noting a publisher or even a financer.
Next if it realeases in 2005, it will be completely out dated by then, this is going by the look of their rendered models in their art section.
Besides all of that, it looks like a neat idea. Though it is right next to vapor-ware if you ask me. I like all of you want to see the MMORPG market grow and flourish, but we must remember that MMORPG's are not small potatoes, and they are big combersome projects that require extrordinary amounts of money to create. These are not the sorts of things that small companies can accomplish by themselves, not without the support of a large financer and publisher, so it is unlikely that we will see many small independent companies popping up out of moms basement that will honestly be able to complete the task of a succesfull MMORPG.
I wish these lads luck in their venture, but I will be supprised if it gets much farther than a websight.
If im wrong, then I will be glad to eat my own words. And yes I will enjoy the taste (wink). Because I love MMORPGs like the rest of you.
My 2 cents.
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I am afraid I have to agree with you, especially after today's announcement of the demise of Rubies of Eventide. It will take a ton of money to develop a worthy competitor to the existing titles and the new MMORPGs coming in the next year.
I seriously doubt if many companies outside your Blizzards, Ataris, and SOEs will survive the onslaught. However, I too hope I am wrong.
I think anyone who voted poorly for this new game did not actually read much about it.
With that said...
Finbar, you have very good and valid points here. So I decided to check out the background of Techtonic Studios. Here's a little excerpt from thier site.
<<Our talented team is found 12 miles south of Yosemite National Park, in the Sierra Nevada foothills in Oakhurst, California. Oakhurst is the birthplace of Sierra On-line, the legendary computer gaming company whose success was the result of the efforts of many of the members of the Tektonic Studios team. It is the ideal location for anyone who enjoys a rural setting, outdoor recreational activities, and great quality of life.>>
I also looked at the staff and I must say, if any of you have not looked at the staff's profiles, I would suggest you do so. They are all experienced and It was comforting to learn that. They definately have the people to pull this off. So I guess the next question is, as Finbar pointed out, will they have the finances to pull it off?
I did not see any mention of a Beta date on this game, which means to me that it has 1.5-2 years minimum till release. I would hate to see a game that sounds this good release too early and have nothing but bugs.
Finbar, I'm praying you have to eat your words!!!
well having a monthly quest that is a one shotter for one party sounds elitist and stupid,
for all the people who game on third shift can attest to:
missing all the events, etc, because you don't play in "peak" time BLOWS
email me about the Sturmrabe guild
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche