Ever buy a game (or download a free 2 play mmo) and sit there waiting to choose a server, hoping you choose a good one with good people that are helpful and not just jerks that flame you when u ask a question. Ever hate joining a guild that you know no one? Ever hop from guild to guild trying to find one that suits you and your play style? Have you ever quit a game that you liked but could never get help from guildies or even find a guild that you liked? Well I am here to tell you there is an answer. Grievance is an online gaming community that spans many games.
Grievance can be found playing in the following games:
Official Grievance Guilds
ArcheAge - Salphira (West)
Black Desert - Guild available at launch
Blade & Soul - Poharan Server (Crimson Legion)
Elder Scrolls Online (Aldmeri)
EverQuest II - Permafrost Server
Final Fantasy XIV - Midgardsormr Server
Neverwinter - Dragon Server
Rift - Wolfsbane Server
SWTOR (Empire: The Shadowlands) (Republic: Jedi Covenant) - PvE Servers
World of Warcraft (Alliance: Proudmoore) (Horde: Thrall)
Embassies (Smaller Grievance Guilds)
EVE Online
Guild Wars 2 - Devona's Rest Server
Star Citizen
Tera - Tempest Reach Server
Wildstar (Exiles)
Team Grievance (Grievance FPS/Shooter/PvP Clans)
Battlefield 4
Overwatch (Clan available at launch)
The Division (Clan available at launch)
World of Tanks
World of Warships
Heroes of the Storm (Coming Soon)6
League of Legends
Mobile Games
Boom Beach
Galaxies at War
Star Trek Timelines
(many other smaller and Independent MMOs)
Grievance is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have a very rich and honorable heritage that spans many games over many years, during which Grievance has proven that one can have a very rewarding gaming experience, yet have a life as well. The concepts of family, honor, and loyalty are hallmarks of Grievance and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.
Grievance is an adult gaming community, 18+ only. We have many long term members. This is no start up guild. We were formed in October 15th, of the year 2000. We were not always known as Grievance, but the membership has been strong and growing! We are one of the few trademarked Guilds in all gaming communities. We are comprised of singles, married couples, retired people, military members, college students and people located through out the US.
When you join Grievance you join a family. This family spans many games and even on opposite sides of the same game. Grievance is always a strong presence in games they are in. Grievance even has a real life get together, like a family reunion. We have this every year. We have a strong management support for each game, not same leaders in every game at one time.
We at Grievance are always looking to expand as anyone would expect. The larger the Grievance community the better it is. Wouldn't it be nice to start a game at launch and have a lot of Grievance members log in with you on the same server and same side? Imagine the friendships you will make with such a strong gaming community.
If Grievance seems like a place for you, please feel free to visit our forums, they are free to register and browse. Come see what games we are in and the servers we reside on. There is always an officer of a certain game or a council member willing to answer any questions. We hope you will come take a look and introduce yourself in the Forum Registration / Applications Forum. Let us know a bit about yourself and what games you are interested or currently playing in. Hope to see you there.
Thank you for your time,
COG Director
Grievance is a great group of helpful folks, drawing from a finer mix of raiders, casual, crafters, couples, explorers, and media talents than I’ve ever discovered in a guild prior. I've been happy to be involved in their YouTube/Twitch streams, and to be an officer in two different games. We're all gamers here, and love going from game to game with the same great folks. Just last year we celebrated 15 years!
Get to know us a little more, check out our Youtube channel... "GrievanceGaming"
And watch for our live Twitch broadcasts and game news at twitch.tv/grievance
And we make lots of announcements on Facebook: (World of Grievance) https://www.facebook.com/pages/World-of-Grievance/162385073784746?ref=bookmarks
and on Twitter: @GrievanceGaming https://twitter.com/GrievanceGaming
So once again, welcome!
Grievance Former Recruiting Officer, Rift and ESO
Host: The Star Citizen Report
Every year, we have a State of Grievance address which very often breaks Teamspeak. We've had to upgrade Teamspeak more and more to handle the numbers that log on to listen in every year.
We have chapters in different MMOs that have ran for over a decade, and remain very successful to this day.
We've had cases where at launch, the officers have been slammed trying to get hundreds of folks invited into the new game.
Yet, the biggest accomplishment, this is a multi-gaming guild that often raids endgame content yet retains its family feel, and acknowledgement of Real Life comes first. These people have been my social support in numerous game launches. I don't have to go looking for another guild ever again.
Grievance Former Recruiting Officer, Rift and ESO
Host: The Star Citizen Report
Hope to to be members soon.
Although I'm personally not always a big PvP'r, and I'm often also a casual player, I find a big bonus in any game is a strong Grievance presence. I see a lot of familiar faces.
Teamspeak is a great place for us to socialize, and I'll admit, some just go to listen in. Lord Scythe and I have hardly played the same games together, but I've got to meet him in Real-Life at our get togethers, and looking forward to the next one later this year.
Grievance Former Recruiting Officer, Rift and ESO
Host: The Star Citizen Report
Just pre-ordered the Conq edition and I wanna play with other nerds. Hope to hear back soon. Browsing your site now.
Grievance Former Recruiting Officer, Rift and ESO
Host: The Star Citizen Report
I'm sorry your experience was not the same Laughing-man but from what I have seen your case is more the exception and not the rule.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
Grievance Former Recruiting Officer, Rift and ESO
Host: The Star Citizen Report
Sharess Dragonstar - Midgard
Grievance is recruiting.
If you are interested, stop by our website and look around, I think you'll like what you see. If you would rather chat in game, I'd be happy to talk with you. We're on the Uno server, Maerah is my character name. I look forward to hearing from you all.
We do have a GW2 Embassy.
We are on the Uno server. We are still recruiting to join are family, and that's exactly what Grievance is. Stop by our site and see for yourself.
Just a little bump for any and all that are looking for a forever home. Grievance is looking to recruit people who find Family, Honor and Loyalty important. We are well established, not only in BDO, but across numerous games. We are looking to add to our PvP ranks in preparation for Node wars and Siege battles. Gear and level are nice, but the desire to fight for your family and control territory are equally important, gear will come in time.
If you are looking for a home, and want to help rule the world, come check us out!
And good news! Those guilds absolutely still exist! Your run of the mill invite spamming guild advertising in channel chat isn't going to have that sense of community you need. Grievance has a tight-knit community that you can play with BEYOND just BDO, and they've been playing different MMOs for years.
I know a lot of guilds out there say it, but in Grievance it is the only place where I have gone and actually felt like I was part of a family.
Real guilds still exist even in BDO, you just might not know of them because they don't try to recruit every single person that's online.
Give us a shot.
Uruketo, 70 Bard/Ninja/Warrior
<Grievance> Free Company
Final Fantasy XIV - Midgardsormr
I joined Grievance during GW2 and must say I had a good time playing with this Guild.
But later with FF14 not so much. I wasn't in the pre-release. On day one in fact hour one everyone was expected to be on voice chat. Well, the officer's talked non stop....No one could get a word in, they were old friends....Then they were in a round about way trying to make everyone do FATE runs the first hour. To myself,I'm Like, can I please figure out the game first ?....It was somewhat irritating as I was figuring out the basics. So I went to an off channel in voice chat. I was quickly followed by a member and asked why I moved " don't you like us ".
I week later as I was playing and this female voice in chat started questioning if I was really a member of the guild and wouldn't let up !.....It was embarrassing.