I know all of you desperately want those cash items or can't pay-to-play because of no credit card, now you can. This is a perfectly safe, legal way to make money to your paypal account. You don't even need a credit card! Just sign up, complete some offers (surveys, trials, and such) and wa-la! You've made yourself a few bucks! I've been making at least $50 a month by just doing offers 1 hour a day from my computer! Nice huh? Well all you gotta do is fill in some forms and stuf and you'll get paid for it! Here's what you do: 1. get a free e-mail adress. You could use hotmail or yahoo.com 2. go to paypal.com and register for a free account.. 3. go to http://www.treasuretrooper.com/26254 (my refferal) and register a free acount 4. enter cash offers in the members section of the site, most of them are simple surveys (just fillin in form) which take a minute to complete and you'll earn $1 each for most of them. 5. in the 15th day of the month, all of the money in your box will be transfered into your paypal acount. 6. buy cash items or pay monthly bill for gaming It really works!! Just try for yourself! Don't believe me? Heres proof: http://www.5images.com/uploads/5898b6df77.jpg works for you? feedbacks are welcome
i just find that completling the surveys is tedious and repetitive is offer after offer after offer after offer theres no end. how in the world did u get 175 dollars? you must have spent a whole day completing offers.
HEHE, you really fell into the Lion's den, didn't you?
This forum is full of SWG Refugees...
Tread lightly
i just find that completling the surveys is tedious and repetitive is offer after offer after offer after offer theres no end. how in the world did u get 175 dollars? you must have spent a whole day completing offers.