There are quite a few Chinese language games on Steam, and they're generally priced in the same range from what I recall - though they are all by Koei so that might be indicative of their pricing and less about Chinese market pricing.
Well according to most people here the more expensive a game is the better it must be right?...THeres people here all the time that want to pay $25 a month or more for a MMO.
The cost of producing a game has gone up, inflation has gone up. For most consumer goods it has doubled since the mid 90s. Yet we expect video games to still retail $50. Sure alot still sell in the $50 range, but they have figured out other ways to get that $40. With KOEI I am pretty sure they are giving you the full game. Also KOEI isn't doing good financially right now. There is a chance you are paying for other costs since it is not published in the US.
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