Hi Community!
So I need some help with MUD games. I am so sick and tired of visual games not being anything what I want/expect them to be that I think I need to start going backwards in my expectations. I have always heard MUD games were great. I would love to try one out but there are so many and not sure where to begin.
What I am looking for is a game with a ton of races/classes/skills and ENDLESS progression. So if i wanted to play for 10 years i could do that and never hit max level cap. Multiplayer is a plus as well but not 100% needed.
I prefer not to play one from early 1990's but if that's when the best ones were from lay them on my please. Ideally i would like to play a newer one (do they still make MUD's in 2016?).
Any and all help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all!!
So I logged off and forgot about MUDs ever since.
Great MUD with a very long progression system.
You will certainly get this! They have a ton of races, subraces, classes, prestige classes, skills and feats of different categories. It will take a lot more than 10 years to try everything and the number of different combinations is astronomical because each character can be multiclassed with four different main classes and prestige classes with their own sets of skills and feats.
* more info, screenshots and videos here