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The Tree of Savior team is reconsidering the Founders early access plan for the game as they announced yesterday. Under the original plan, founders purchasing the most expensive package would have three months of early access; tier two founders would have two months access; and the lowest level package owners would have a month early access prior to the free to play launch in June.
$50 is a pretty reasonable price, less than a normal game costs. I don't see the issue. Pay up or wait.
I'll likely pay, because I'm curious.
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At least now I know when it's coming out.
Most people are angry over it not because of the pricing, but because those players will have their own server 3 months ahead of everyone else. Upon launch, no one will be able to join that server. So in the end it would be dividing the community on top of the Founders Server having the chance of dying because people quit. It would be wasting $50 in the long run. Yes, they can wait till the $30 or the $20, but by then most if the community is miles ahead of them and it would divide the pvp/gvg aspect of the game.