Hi friends
Been thinking about picking this game up but am concerned about items and loot. What can I expect from BDO? Do rare items drop? I mean I read youll have 2 grind a lot of mobs 2 level, thats cool and all but is it rewarding?
Furthermore, how is crafting? Does it reward time investment by providing possibilities 2 get rare items?
Also gear has no level requirements in this game so that you can wear anything (even the best +15 pieces) from level 1 if you can afford it. Leveling your character is basically good for unlocking higher and higher level combat skills but getting your base stats signifficantly higher is basically done through getting your gear to up to +15.
It all depends on how you enjoy different game mechanics (combat, gathering, trading, fishing, building your own economy, READING and doing quests, guild missions, etc.). It's all about how you enjoy the game itself. Just give it a shot with a 7-day friend invite key and be prepared to learn a lot.