I've steered clear of MOBA's so far because I've read that they hold just about the most abusive and elitist bunch of players in gaming. Still, I have the itch to try one. Is there a MOBA out there that will let an old fart with iffy reflexes play without getting skinned alive by his teammates? Especially as a noob? One where the players don't take shit as seriously as if they were fighting for the very fate of Middle Earth?
I've even considered playing it myself and I'm not fascinated by MOBA's like the rest of the world seems to be.
I don't really have any game friends who play MOBAs, unfortunately.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Ooo, turn based? Sounds like my speed!
A more noob-friendly moba by the same devs who made Savage and Heroes of Newerth. I dont like point and click mobas but i had a blast with a character named Blazer, clearly inspired by Megaman.
According to the devs, they designed the game to cater to more casual players and to "iron out" toxicity. I think its a lot more casual than Heroes of the Storm too.
Additionally, you can avoid toxicity entirely by turning off team chat by default (though it tells you something about the community that this option exists to begin with). To be fair, the unfortunate truth is that you should be prepared to experience some level of toxicity in any free to play MOBA you try.
In terms of community, it is very poor across the board. It's something that comes with the territory. For that reason, it is highly desirable to play with at least 1 other person you know.
It's not all bad, I made some good friends in MOBAs. The more established ones also have a lot of depth. There are hundreds of little interactions that contribute to the outcome, which is something I really enjoy.
When i first played League and went like 0/8/0 and i got flamed to heck.
Out of 30+ games of Heroes i have never seen any form of toxicity.
Isn't that like asking for directions to a swimming pool where the water isn't so wet ?
If you want a good/best moba hit dota up, but it's the hardest one to learn.
If you want easiest to learn moba hit up Heroes of the Storm.
If you want less abusive moba try Smite, i heard the trash talk is less there than any other moba.
If you want shit show hit up League of Legends.
Do not bother with random unknown mobas.
While the systems are made to encourage team play having a worse player is more impactful than having a better player. Meaning a good player has to be significantly better to outway the deficiate of one bad player. Not to mention that their matchmaker is by far the worst.
Many of the maps are 100% one dimensional as in there is one way to play it and no other strategy works. This is also done by design.
Really if you can stomic the learning curve play DOTA2, its not as toxic as HotS or LoL from my experience as long as you admit to a lack of experience. The other one would be Smite. But I don't have much experience with it so don't know the toxicity levels.
Heroes of the Storm would be my vote, but don't expect sunshine and rainbows. If you throw team fights, or give up objectives because you were off looking at grass textures or whatever, people are going to get pissed and say nasty things.
edit: If you want to play League, I recently started leveling a smurf account, and could teach you some of the basics.
The worst problem you will have then are people who are so into their elite thinking that they will not even bother to hand in gems - ultimately delaying the whole team.
They are highly competitive games where you play with and against people who in most cases you will never see again. Combine all that and a lot of people are quite hostile. It's the nature of such games.
Of course you can overcome that.
1) Practice and do tutorials before you join actual matches.
2) Don't play heroes you never played before in actual matches.
3) Play with friends.
I think that currently the best MOBA is Dota2, since it's the only one that is to 100% not pay2win. Granted, most others are mostly not pay2win, but since you have to buy there your heroes, those who are willing to spend the money can practice with all heroes and thus play better with and against those.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
League OF Legends auto locks, players don't understand what the word "Meta" Means " Lock useless stuff don't think at all so you lose 99% of your games Solo Queue, so you must play Duo or more better with skilled players.
Smite, No God Selection /Role Selection, another game where players argue.
DOTA 2, players saying hateful things to each-other and more arguing.
Over-All the best game still is League so far due to the fact they put in Role Selection eliminates a lot of arguing minus the trolls.
I still see a lot of idiots / trolls in League, but I give them 30 seconds to respond if they run into my lane and troll if they can't give a reason to why they did such and say sorry for throwing me off, then they throw the game I type /mute all in chat so everyone is muted and report the user for throwing it happen 3 games out of like 7 yesterday trolls intentionally throwing/griefing the game, and if it were a new player.
1.) They would not be in ranked
2.) They wouldn't have responded with You're an idiot you suck comment.