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Any one like this game,like it is today.I didnt like it,wen it was skil based.I just want to know if it is fun to play like it is now.
I dont want to see post about it was a beter game,please.
I like to see obraik opinion,he seams to play the game and knows wath is hapening there,if any one plays it(i can see many ppl who post here dont),please guive me your opinion.why it is fun now,and how is the high end.
Thx for your help.Please dont bash(i know you will be tempted)
wow, Im horribly, confused.
Your asking to join a game whose creators will ditch you and your work, on the street?
Its So much better now, I'm SURE youll like it just HOW IT IS NOW.
Cause your skills of online games can probally handle this bad boy now that it is all newbiefied.
I mean my grandmother could play this game, and succeed.
If thats what your looking for in a game, THIS ONE IS YOUR WINNER CHAMP! FTW!
I remember 2 years ago,to come to this page,and no one liked the game,now people say it was the best game in the world,lol
Makes me remember wen everyone bashed verant,than sony got eq,and people started to say "verant was god sony is bad"
Cmon they changed the game cause no one liked the game"is a sand box... full of bugs... inbalance... half complete... and many many more things i cant remember now.
OFC sony changed the game players wore not hapy,sony couldnt make it beter,every change for beter or worse players complain.Lets do a game we can handle
If the game is difrent is because of your bashing and your complains,if it was "the best mmo"why did you complained.
People just dont know wath they want.I just want to play in Star Wars univerce and have fun.if they changed a game to a way they can do it a beter game,i will be a hapyer player
Download the free trial, and see for yourself how much it sucks.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Hi, I played this game, well it seems like 100 years ago.. I was an entertainer/chef/image designer, and quit for various family reasons. I returned to try this "new and improved" CU. For one, it was sad that the entertainer profession that brought so much fun to the gaming environment, has all but vanished. So, I decided to try combat.. least of my favorite professions, but I am open minded. I admit that I'm not much of a gamer, but I have played some very enjoyable ones in the past. This CU in my opinion was horrible as far as user interface, targeting was ok.. I guess the descriptor I am searching for is, juvenile. The previous version really took time and effort to develop a solid character that I was proud of. This new version, really seems like a first person cookie cutter shooter. I may be crazy, but after giving it an honest chance, I couldn't wait to press the cancel button. What happened to Cnet.. that place used to be bustling with commerce and social events.. The game has died. Why fix something that isn't broken?? Sorry if I bored anyone.. but I just wanted to vent some displeasure, and to warn others that the game I grew to love, is long gone.
WHat kind of answers did you really expect to get here? Most people who post here no longer play and are just pissed. Just try the demo and decide for yourself, that's what it's for.
yeh the game has been soooooooo newbified and SOE sucks and i hate them now!
but if you didnt like the classes and skills from back then go play this game and live in a living hell that is this game
For me, yes I still find the game alot of fun Everyones idea of fun is different though and you're not really going to know if it works for you unless you try it out yourself. Luckily there's a trial available to do just that, go to If you had an account and canceled it before the 15th November 2005, you can get a 15 day trial of the entire game (the other one is just a 10 level trial on the starter space station) using your previous character. To use the 15 day trial, install the game and then just login with your old details like you normally would.
Might write more later on how I find it fun, but gotta go kill Sher Kar
Don't do it man... avoid SWG. You'll have more fun farting.
Ok Folks, if SWG as everyone used to know it has gone the way of the Dodo, what MMO's are peeps now playing that has some of the features everyones used to enjoy before the NGE/CU and all that...
Tried WoW - got bored really quick , stayed a little longer with Eve and GW (pretend MMO) amongst others.....not sure if I want to try another Sony MMO, since they seem to listen to their bank managers first, customers/player base second.
For me, yes I still find the game alot of fun Everyones idea of fun is different though and you're not really going to know if it works for you unless you try it out yourself. Luckily there's a trial available to do just that, go to If you had an account and canceled it before the 15th November 2005, you can get a 15 day trial of the entire game (the other one is just a 10 level trial on the starter space station) using your previous character. To use the 15 day trial, install the game and then just login with your old details like you normally would.
Might write more later on how I find it fun, but gotta go kill Sher Kar
For sure TM we're listening to your concerns and we want to make this a great community. I'll be posting these totally cool screenshots and rephrasing the same thing over and over. My number one concern is making sure the SWG forums are a fun place to be. Oh hey guys don't forget to resub next month because Im going to tell you the great thing's we're working on and you can say what an awesome job we're doing (but I can't say until april)!!
Burt Dangle
Community Relations/Suit Knob Slobber
Yeah, go for it. I think you'd be welcomed to play the new version of the game. But in respose to the post about everyone moaning way back when. The game has always been and will always be buggy, so people will moan. And with hindsight, i'm sure many realise what they had at the time.
When i first started playing (yes, pre-CU ) the game was full of life and colour. Over the last year something intangible was lost. It's like the game gave up its will to live and now players are just dancing on it's carcass. But no, you go ahead and play by all means.
For me, yes I still find the game alot of fun Everyones idea of fun is different though and you're not really going to know if it works for you unless you try it out yourself. Luckily there's a trial available to do just that, go to If you had an account and canceled it before the 15th November 2005, you can get a 15 day trial of the entire game (the other one is just a 10 level trial on the starter space station) using your previous character. To use the 15 day trial, install the game and then just login with your old details like you normally would.
Might write more later on how I find it fun, but gotta go kill Sher Kar
Where the hell did that url come from??? hehehe I had never seen it before. You must be getting some kind of "insider's info"!
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Sago Mactow
Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet
6/26/03 - 1/26/06
Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect
DFR Councilman
Tarq Server
For me, yes I still find the game alot of fun Everyones idea of fun is different though and you're not really going to know if it works for you unless you try it out yourself. Luckily there's a trial available to do just that, go to If you had an account and canceled it before the 15th November 2005, you can get a 15 day trial of the entire game (the other one is just a 10 level trial on the starter space station) using your previous character. To use the 15 day trial, install the game and then just login with your old details like you normally would.
Might write more later on how I find it fun, but gotta go kill Sher Kar
Where the hell did that url come from??? hehehe I had never seen it before. You must be getting some kind of "insider's info"!
I dunno, one day I was telling someone how to find the trial from the official site and then someone said why not just go to that addy and go directly...
They added it at the same time as I beleive.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
The only way to know is to try a game.
That said: I do not recommend the NGE, even if you like it.
Why? Because you'll just be telling SOE that anytime subscriber numbers aren't what they think they should be that it's ok to totally change the game and alienate their entire current player base, because new people will come play to replace the ones they lost.
That's my entire stance on the situation. Even if the NGE were *awesome* now I wouldn't play it for that simple reason.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Here's an idea! Send Obraik a personal message then you won't see ex-players write about how much SWG sucks-which by the way it does.
If you like the game as it is now, then why come here to ask the same thing you've already made up your mind about or know?
You also know most posters here are ex-vets who despise the game and its managers. So why ask that no one say the game used to be better back then?
Don't take it personal its not meant that way. It's just extremely plain and obvious what you've written.
Well Op , really your best shot is try the game through its trial .
But i'll Give you a little info on some of the differences of the NEW SWG .
Gameplay : NGE , Well you now must initiate your auto-attack yourself (while focusing on aiming on a target And using specials fired from either your right mouse button , hotkeys) . Questing is your main route for lvling . Creature grinding is a very long process , So the whole grind group option is gone now . Though you can lvl at a decent rate through space combat .
JTL: Has remained basiclly unchanged (other than you gain ground xp now )
A.I. : NPC's are a little more interesting now , Elites actually can give you a decent fight in some situations . Though sadly there are a few issues that have not be dealt with yet . Due to the new twitch based combat , you often find your self misfiring into a crowd of npcs. The end result usually means a trip to the cloner or taking a run for it , Which can be a tad more than simply frustrating .
Another frustrating issue for many players is given how fast combat is now , You often find yourself with to little action to fire off that much needed heal .
Questing / Content : This is where NGE is supposed to shine , Yet at present time it fails to deliver . There are some nicely done quests , From LVL 1 to I belive around 50 now . They again pick up from lvl 70-90 . Sadly inbetween you are left in a void almost seemingly unable to advance . This is unacceptable in a Pay to Play game . ( Alpha/Beta testing is usually free )
Crafting/entertaining : These two career paths seem to be in a void at present time . The development team has been very quiet in regards to their intentions toward these two professions. Crafting is still basiclly intact , But the removal of Decay has hurt Armorsmiths, Weaponsmiths badly , Other paths still have a decent income depending on your server population of course .
Entertaining has no viable purpose at present , The only announcement thus far from SOE has been they will be receiving combat abilities .
Professions / Skills: There are only 9 professions now , which cuts down on bugs and other issues of the old skill system . Though the skill based system was one of the main reasons many of us enjoyed this game as much as we did . If you prefer individuality this system is not for you . If you prefer a class sytem that is small and easily balanced you may enjoy it greatly .
Endgame: At present your only option is to PVP or do a few of the dungeons . Yet as with everything else listed sadly SWG still fails to deliver a solid experience . Maybe in a year things will be different , Yet again customers should not be forced to pay in order to participate in SOE"S development testing .
Community: Sadly this is something not fixed in a hotfix , Truth betold the communitys across all servers are hurting at present . Its not unrare to see at most 10-20 people while on a shuttle hoping tour . There is no longer a reason to gather in any location , Which means finding a group or A decent amount of PVP can be a task in itself . Again maybe in a year things will be different .
I have tried to give a fair unbiased observation of SWG at present , Yes you may have fun playing ,it would not surprise me . Only you can decide that , so give it a shot . They need all the people they can get .
I'd give it a 5/10 And that is being kind .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Pre-cu was a little buggy yes but the NGE is just a joke and has been dumbed down so much even a caveman could play it! At least I could do things the way I wanted and have alot more to do during pre-cu times, now there are only 9 classes when there used to be 32 professions that u could diversify. If u pick bounty hunter now u are exactly the same as every other bounty hunter in skills and abilities so all classes are basicly clones, the diverse and interchangable templates of the good ole days are gone.
They just up and removed loot items value like CA'a,AA's and weopon/armor sub components and nerf crafters to the point of almost being useless just liek entertainers. Everything that was challenging about SWG was either nerfed or removed and all thats left is a 12 year olds ugly fps style game with a playerbase fleeing in droves!
Finaly a reply to my post.
Thx alot malickiebloo .
With your description i dont feel so tempted to play swg,i feel it befour,cause i just see people complaining about a game they dont know how it is at the moment.It seems half finished yet,so few has changed.
I understand,they have changed swg,with no respect for players.
But in my opinion is the only thing they could do,to a game in that state.Hated by players(now that same players say that was the best game in the world... lol) and broken.
This is just my opinion,i understan,and respect yours(vets)