i am getting ffxi for the 360 and was wondering what the best magic class is and what the best sub job is. prompt replies are most welcome. also does anyone know if you have to pay a monthly fee when you have the 360 version? thanx in advance for any help offered. one last thing, does health and so on rely on characters e.g. humes elvaan or does rely on what job you choose.
Like any decently balanced game, there is no "best" class. It depends on what you want to do. Black Mage = Offensive Magic, White Mage = Healing/Protective Magic, Red Mage = Support & Enfeebling, with some ability in both offensive and healing as well, and weak meleeing capabilities thrown in, Summoner = summon magic pets. The best subjob varies from situation to situation, but the best subjob for a mage job is usually another mage job, to increase your MP pool and enlarge your spell list.
"Health" (by which I assume you mean Hit Points) varies by both job and race. A Galka monk will have more HPs than a Tarutaru monk, but either will have more HPs than a Summoner of any race.
Chris Mattern
if you have issue's with japanese games take it someplace else. i asked for help, not racist remarks.
by the way thanx for the info chris.