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Dont wanna pay monthly fees.
Want it to me massivly online.
These are the things I want the game to have in order most to least
Realitivly easy training (Not super important, just a bonus)
What are some games you could recommend?
shadowbane by the sound of things!!!!!!!!!
You are in luck. Shadowbane is now free and you will not find a more hardcore PvP game.
Any other suggestions?
How is guildwars?
shadowbane is your only answer now that it became free yesterday mwahahaha! I am a levle 7 bird
Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls
Does anyone know how guildwars is..?
guild wars is free so my advice to you is try either love guildwars or you hate it...thats what ive come to belive
Well, it does have PVP, Graphics, Community, Guilds and Realitivly easy training.
'Fun' though is something rather subjective. It seems like Guild Wars is a 'love it or hate it' game. So it's difficult to tell if this is the game YOU are looking for.
Playing: Final Fantasy Online: ARR, Destiny
Most memorable games for me: UO, GW1, LoTRO
Except he has graphics second on his list. Everything else fits, but the graphics are well dated. Luckily he doesn't have UI or WASD listed, although you can fiddle with the UI quite a bit.
Shadowbane. The graphics are dated, but, once you get into the game you'll forget all about them. That and they really aren't all that bad. Nothing great, but not unbearable either.
Where do you get guildwars free?
read this then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
I would not suggest Guild Wars. But then again I am on the "hate it" side of the spectrum lol.
In the order of things you want in a game I would also suggest Shadowbane.
Shadowbane at the moment.
Just ignore the crap graphics,and remember that Runescape looked worse. And played well.
I'm pretty sure that game is going to be highly successful now....
Anyone else think that the OP was trying to say;
"I'm thinking of trying guildwars, is it any good?"
Anyways as stated GW is NOT free. And I personally hated it, can't quite put my finger on it but I just didn't enjoy it.
It sounds like not Guildwars(:Propecies) but Guildwars:Factions is your style. Good gfx, big time on the pvp, still the best pvp system full stop. There is a free preview weekend of March 24th if you want to try it out in a limited form. And as usual, no fees.
Given the original got a 9.5 on gamespot and the new one (due April 28th) is expected to be better, its probably a good bet.