Actualy its almost worth the price of the subscription just to see the mess that their forums/community is in....thats is, if you enjoy things like the Jerry Springer show or the aftermath of a car accident.
But if your buying it for the game? do yourself a favor and get your StarWars fix with kotor.
Just keep on walking past this one and head toward something that "might" be worth it, like Horizons. Final Fantasy XI is getting some really good reviews now too. You might want to give that one a try.
I played it for a couple of months and was enjoying it. But people on the forums thought their professions should be tougher or better than others and shouted nerf, so they nerfed instead of trying to fix the broken classes. It seems like they would fix the broken things and then try to balance. And like raxman said i to tried to check the forums to see if they fixed the stuff yet and cant get in to read.
I played SWG for almost 4 months before leaving in disgust. Here's my mini review:
1. If you like playing solo at all, then you'd better become a Creatute Handler, and join the Pokemon herd. Everyone's showing off their pets, which is real Star-Warsy...
2. Barely any droids in the game, and the ones that are there are useless. Basically moving crafting machines, which is really Star-Warsy...
3. Their 'monthly' story arcs? Boring. They consist of: Kill the MOBs until they finally drop the item you're looking for... As far as 'monthly', there's only been two (and the game's been out almost 6 months). The last one was broke all to Hell. Maybe it's fixed now, I don't know.... And I hope you like camping. Really Star-Warsy...
4. Many upper professions simply do not work: Droid Engineer, Squad Leader, Smuggler has an entire skill-line that is simply useless. Chef is just pointless, burn your money instead. Rifoleer is a joke, might as well just lay down and wait to get deathblowed, because that's what's gonna happen. They keep promising updates for the broken classes, but six months into it, and nothing much has been done.
5. The Galactic Civil War (GCW) is virtually non-existent. What is there is nothing more than a gank-fest. Don't expect any excitement at the thought of actually mattering in the GCW. Faction Perks are useless. Imperial AT-ST's used to do some damage, but they've been nerfed to death; expect a Commando to kill all your hard work with a flame-thrower in about 10 hits.
6. Their 'dynamic' quests? They're either 'Kill the Bugs' or 'Fedex'. Most of the major themeparks/quests simply didn't work (maybe that's changed now...). A lot of the regular quests don't work either. I once did a 3-4 part quest, the last part had me run out about 2,000 meters to see a person about the reward. I get out there, and there's nothing there... Really fun...Can't wait to do a quest like that again!
7. Customer service that is in the bottom of the barrel. Borderlines on fraud. Ask someone about the whole 'Boourns' ordeal. Your house may disappear (with all items in it), and you're basically gonna be told, "While we'd like to help you, we can't."
8. Server reboots almost daily. I swear to God, they're running this game on Commadore 64's... The only server that works flawlessly is their billing server.
I could go on, but I get depressed... I tried so hard to have fun in this game, but it just didn't happen. This game is truly horrible.
You've been warned!
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
Originally posted by Raxman I am still abit upset that they closed down the forums those where the only thing making me come back to anything SWG
I see your point. But the SWG game DEVs posted ahead of time why the would make the official forums available only to subscribers.
Some of the reasons:
1. It makes everyone posting far, far, more accountable.
2. It seriously cuts down on the spam, off topic posts, flaming, and trolling.
3. It increases the amount of constructive criticism.
4. Paying players are the once paying the salaries of the moderators. The moderators were having to moderate people who were not even paying. It's as if they were getting a free ride. Better to have the moderators there for the subscribers first because - its one of the benifits the subscribers are suppose to be getting.
I played SWG for almost 4 months before leaving in disgust. Here's my mini review:
This would mean you have been playing since release until now.
1. If you like playing solo at all, then you'd better become a Creatute Handler, and join the Pokemon herd. Everyone's showing off their pets, which is real Star-Warsy...
SWG is a MMORPG. If anyone prefers playing solo, go buy and play a RPG. The intent behind a MMORPG is player interaction being a main focal point.
BTW, yes having a pet helps if a player is alone. So does having a Destroyer Droid, or being an Imperial alligned player with 4 Dark Trooper NPCs aka your own private army. And having your own 2 legged Walker war machine with you too.
2. Barely any droids in the game, and the ones that are there are useless. Basically moving crafting machines, which is really Star-Warsy...
There are different droids for different uses. I do agree there needs to be MORE uses for droids. But the once that ARE there are not useless. The seeker/destroyer droids are incredible! Especially if they are built right (best armor, best weapons.).
SW did have "moving crafting machines". SW had droids for many, many uses.
3. Their 'monthly' story arcs? Boring. They consist of: Kill the MOBs until they finally drop the item you're looking for... As far as 'monthly', there's only been two (and the game's been out almost 6 months). The last one was broke all to Hell. Maybe it's fixed now, I don't know.... And I hope you like camping. Really Star-Warsy...
The game is 4 months old. They are still experimenting with the monthly story arcs. BTW, the game released near the end of July. We are now in mid December. Maybe you are in 2nd grade? Then again, most 2nd graders can still tell you july - August = 1 month. August - September = 1 month. September - October = 1 month. October - November = 1 month.
4 months So far. When December ends, it will be 5 months that SWG has been out.
4. Many upper professions simply do not work: Droid Engineer, Squad Leader, Smuggler has an entire skill-line that is simply useless. Chef is just pointless, burn your money instead. Rifoleer is a joke, might as well just lay down and wait to get deathblowed, because that's what's gonna happen. They keep promising updates for the broken classes, but six months into it, and nothing much has been done.
Only 1 upper profession didn't really work - Squad Leader.
Droid Engineer works.
Smuggler works.
Chef works. And is not pointless if you take the time to study it. Chefs are able to make an assortment of foods. Some of their skills can even be used to make genetically enhanced foods. Chef foods can DOUBLE and even TRIPPLE stats. As well as do other things.
It's called RIFLEMAN not Rifoleer. They are not a joke if you again take the time to study them and their skills. They DID have an almost uber skill that recently got lessened. (I think it was the knockdown legshot.)
5. The Galactic Civil War (GCW) is virtually non-existent. What is there is nothing more than a gank-fest. Don't expect any excitement at the thought of actually mattering in the GCW. Faction Perks are useless. Imperial AT-ST's used to do some damage, but they've been nerfed to death; expect a Commando to kill all your hard work with a flame-thrower in about 10 hits.
1. The GCW (Galactic Civil War aka The Rebels vs the Imperials) does need work. Is it non-existant? No way not if your a Rebel or Imperial. You are KOS anywhere, on any planet, at any time! Looks like you couldn't take the heat or stress heh.
My main problem with the GCW is that the galaxy doesn't feel like it's constantly under the influence and prescense of the Empire. On Tantooine I once saw 8 Storm Troopers marching around the city perimeter in lockstep. There should be Imperials everywhere. Constantly stoping, searching, and questioning non Imperial players.
2. Faction perks are useless? Since you are able to list just one example, what you really mean to say is AT-ST's are useless.
AT-ST's are not useless. They are godly. 1 of them can mow down 5 players if used right.
Ahhh, their weakness is getting hit with weapons that commando's use? Well hey, what do you want and uber weapon that can't be stopped?
And IF a commando is able to get 10 hits on your walker, you don't deserve to have a walker in the first place! Consider that it takes the walker 1-2 hits to snuff out the commando! LOL.
6. Their 'dynamic' quests? They're either 'Kill the Bugs' or 'Fedex'. Most of the major themeparks/quests simply didn't work (maybe that's changed now...). A lot of the regular quests don't work either. I once did a 3-4 part quest, the last part had me run out about 2,000 meters to see a person about the reward. I get out there, and there's nothing there... Really fun...Can't wait to do a quest like that again!
*Ahem* if you want different quests, go to DIFFERENT quest terminals! There are quests for miners, merchants, tailors. Even at the generic quest terminals, there are different quests! I enjoy getting the hostage rescue quests the most!
(Ok in this case, I rescued a Thug being held by Stormtroopers lolol. The action was too intense for me to get screenshots of my fight with the Stormies. But I did get some screenshots of the quest.....)
7. Customer service that is in the bottom of the barrel. Borderlines on fraud. Ask someone about the whole 'Boourns' ordeal. Your house may disappear (with all items in it), and you're basically gonna be told, "While we'd like to help you, we can't."
There are over 300 THOUSAND players. There's at the most roughly 500 to 1 thousand customer service reps.
The House dissappering thing was a game BUG. Not a cust. service problem (they are not the programmers.). Always keep a screenshot record of your character, items, major purchases, etc.. which will help support your claims. Because for every legit claim, there are tons of fake claims from those who are trying to get over.
8. Server reboots almost daily. I swear to God, they're running this game on Commadore 64's... The only server that works flawlessly is their billing server.
Server downtimes have ALWAYS been announced ahead of time. In a special stickied thread called "Announcements". In fact, during the first 3 months of the game, they announced that the first week of each month the game would be down from 9am to 12 noon PST.
I could go on, but I get depressed... I tried so hard to have fun in this game, but it just didn't happen. This game is truly horrible.
I know how you feel. But consider this:
1. In the old original SWG forums, it was announced when to buy this game. This was supported by the DEVs theirselves. One of the better beta testers posted a detailed review. He said if your an uber hardcore SW fan, and game fan, then run out and get the game when it releases. But expect it to have bugs.
If you're a SW fan but not a huge gamer, WAIT 6 months before buying the game.
If your a gamer but not a SW fan, wait 1 year before buying the game.
You've been warned!
You were warned. I was warned, everyone has been warned. The real question is what type of player are you?
SWG is a MMORPG aimed FIRST and foremost at Star Wars fans. NOT at hardcore gamers. Their target audiance is SW fans who have never played a MMORPG.
The game is 4 months old. They are still experimenting with the monthly story arcs. BTW, the game released near the end of July. We are now in mid December. Maybe you are in 2nd grade? Then again, most 2nd graders can still tell you july - August = 1 month. August - September = 1 month. September - October = 1 month. October - November = 1 month. 4 months So far. When December ends, it will be 5 months that SWG has been out.
SWG hit shelves on June 26, 2003. You'd think someone that works for SOE would at least have their facts straight.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
SWG has over 300,000 accounts! And increasing. This is after being out for just 4 months!
Umm ... Let me correct you. There are probably 300,000 registered users. That means nothing...
LOL. Listen to yourself. It does not matter if there is 1 person with 300K accounts, or actually 300K seperate players. BTW, with its single character per server SWG has more actual players than all other MMORPGs including EVerQuest (which has over 400K accounts.)
SWG has 300K accounts being paid for. It has been ADDING NEW servers. There is a reason for this - the game is still growing.
As far as active (and still paying) accounts, I'd put it at about 50,000 - 75,000. Big difference!
You can't argue vs the incredible amount of accounts SWG has (especially for a MMORPG that is still brand new.) Now you want to change the subject to how many of those 300K accounts are actually active.
Guess what? This "argument" of your applies to ALL MMORPGs. And this "argument" is moot. As long as those accounts are being paid for, the game is making astounding amounts of $$$.
50K active players out of 300K accounts? Riiiight. Each server is made to hold 20K players. SWG has 10+ servers. SWG has been adding NEW SERVERS. Why is this? They can't add new servers if they are really losing $$$$.
But we all know, xplororor (or his parents) work for SOE ...
Please tell me where you heard that I work for SOE? Who told you this? What magazine, or internet page mentions this?
The game is 4 months old. They are still experimenting with the monthly story arcs. BTW, the game released near the end of July. We are now in mid December. Maybe you are in 2nd grade? Then again, most 2nd graders can still tell you july - August = 1 month. August - September = 1 month. September - October = 1 month. October - November = 1 month. 4 months So far. When December ends, it will be 5 months that SWG has been out.
SWG hit shelves on June 26, 2003. You'd think someone that works for SOE would at least have their facts straight.
Where I live, SWG hit the shelves in July. It was in July 2003 that SWG was mass released. You'd think someone who makes it their mission to slander SWG on as many forums as possible would make sure to have all the facts to back up their claims.
(Including listing where they are getting information that I work for SOE?)
For some players SWG hit the shelves as late as September 2003. But for the majority of players SWG hit the shelves by July 2003.
But even if your point is allowed to be true - that SWG was released at the end of June 2003 ...... then SWG is 5 1/2 months old. In the world of MMORPGs, it is still an ultra new game. MMORPGs are intended to have a shelf life of 5 years. A MMORPG starts its prime roughly 1 year after release. (see Anarchy Online, EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot.)
The game is 4 months old. They are still experimenting with the monthly story arcs. BTW, the game released near the end of July. We are now in mid December. Maybe you are in 2nd grade? Then again, most 2nd graders can still tell you july - August = 1 month. August - September = 1 month. September - October = 1 month. October - November = 1 month. 4 months So far. When December ends, it will be 5 months that SWG has been out.
SWG hit shelves on June 26, 2003. You'd think someone that works for SOE would at least have their facts straight.
Where I live, SWG hit the shelves in July. It was in July 2003 that SWG was mass released. You'd think someone who makes it their mission to slander SWG on as many forums as possible would make sure to have all the facts to back up their claims.
(Including listing where they are getting information that I work for SOE?)
For some players SWG hit the shelves as late as September 2003. But for the majority of players SWG hit the shelves by July 2003.
But even if your point is allowed to be true - that SWG was released at the end of June 2003 ...... then SWG is 5 1/2 months old. In the world of MMORPGs, it is still an ultra new game. MMORPGs are intended to have a shelf life of 5 years. A MMORPG starts its prime roughly 1 year after release. (see Anarchy Online, EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot.)
I'm finished even having discussions with you. SWG was released nationwide on June 26th, 2003.
Even when you're absolutely wrong, you just heap a bunch of lies ... Do you get a kickback for each new reference to the game or what?
One final point. I do agree with you that SWG is new, and could someday become a great game. But SWG today is an absolute, lagged, bug-ridden mess. This is the SWG I'm talking about. Not the SWG 2 years from now (if it survives).
p.s. I heard vehicles are live, and they're causing even more lag. That sounds like fun to me....
Also gotta love the ole /warn feature they were forced to drop. Don't fix an exploit even though there were tons of ideas on how to do it. Just can the whole thing...
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
I'm finished even having discussions with you. SWG was released nationwide on June 26th, 2003.
Our arguing over the exact date SWG was 'released' is moot. And too minor. Plus getting too off topic.
Even when you're absolutely wrong, you just heap a bunch of lies ... Do you get a kickback for each new reference to the game or what?
There you go again. I now see a pattern. Whenever you cannot refute my answers, you simply make up things. Such as that I work for SOE. And now that I 'get a kickback for each new reference to the game' that I make.
You're calling me a liar - yet you say I work for SOE. (Please tell me where you are getting this info from?). I'll leave it to our friendly lurkers to decide who is lying. Heheh.
One final point. I do agree with you that SWG is new,
Stop the press! Errr... stop the forums! You are now starting to come around. Instead of making up things, etc... you are starting to respond to my points. Point for point.
and could someday become a great game.
We are in agreement here also. IMHO it is a nice game even right now. Though I'm sure IYHO it's a horrid game right now. To the lurkers I point out the fact EQ has 400K accounts, and SWG has 300K accounts - and still increasing.
But SWG today is an absolute, lagged, bug-ridden mess. This is the SWG I'm talking about. Not the SWG 2 years from now (if it survives).
If your current system really DOES meet the minimum requirements to play SWG , which right now is the most high end computer game out - counting all current RPGs, MMORPGs, FPS, RTS, etc... every computer game now out. If your current computer system is the equivilant of a GeForce 4 graphics card, 1.1 GHZ processor speed, 1 GB memory, and 48speed CD drive... and you're still getting massive lag....
Try turning all graphic options down. SWG also has the most customizable graphics menu out of any MMORPG.
p.s. I heard vehicles are live, and they're causing even more lag. That sounds like fun to me....
What one 'hears' and what one 'experiences' are two different things. Since I'm still actually playing the game, I can say for a fact vehicles as of right now - December 2003 - are indeed live. And vehicles are not causing lag - IF the player turns down their graphic options.
[It's like in AO, if too many dragons appear on the screen at the same time. Even the most high end comptuer will crash/lag. Or like in EQ if many players are in the same zone casting spells, a player must turn down graphics or else even the most high end comp will crash/lag.]
Also gotta love the ole /warn feature they were forced to drop. Don't fix an exploit even though there were tons of ideas on how to do it. Just can the whole thing...
I can say I'm in agreement with you on this one. But I see it as a minor thing.
The main problem I see, and feel, in SWG are whiny players. 'Melee MUST be balanced to ranged!'
That really got to me big time! I kept posting (on the SWG forums) that SWG is a universe where range rules melee. Don't like it? Wear better armor. Or have a range player cover you while you sneak up to a gun wielding enemy. But the SWG DEVs instead made attempts to make melee balanced with range. Grrrr.....
I pre-ordered the game, thinking of beautiful landscapes, jedi running around, the imperial army crashing on planets.... well, I got one thing right.
Its very addictive when you start out. The first thing you might think now is " I'm gonna be a jedi!!" But the truth is, you have to master several professions to even have a chance. then you have to do something to activate your FSCS.
When I got the game, I started medic. The SWG in-game community is very, very friendly and medic was an enjoyable profession. Eventually, I mastered medic and went on to combat medic....which are now useless since SWG totally nerfed poisons, which are pretty much the only reason you'd want to go CM.
But when you master your goaled professions, have all of the credits ( thats the currency ) you'll ever need, and seen what there is to be seen, the only thing that will keep you playing is your friends that you met in the SWG universe. So sadly, it gets old. There is no storyline, no goal, except for those many who have the thought to become jedi.
To those of you I say....Good luck, and let the force be with you. ( or...whatever )
But when you master your goaled professions, have all of the credits ( thats the currency ) you'll ever need, and seen what there is to be seen, the only thing that will keep you playing is your friends that you met in the SWG universe. So sadly, it gets old. There is no storyline, no goal, except for those many who have the thought to become jedi. To those of you I say....Good luck, and let the force be with you. ( or...whatever )
Only you can set your destiny.....
NICE post you made. You didn't cuss, namecall, or make up things.
The main point you touch on is a problem for every MMORPG that has ever been made. What happens at endgame? UO, AC, EQ, AO - your last paragraph (sans the very last sentance since there's no Jedi in the other MMORPGs) applies to all other MMORPGs.
Add the fact that SWG is NOT intended for the powergamer, and powergamers who do play SWG will reach the 'endgame' quicker.
The DEVs did flip the Jedi 'switch' on recently. Actually the force sensitive switch. One still must master the Jedi skill tree to become a Jedi.
============================== And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this: * If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger * If there is a number, make it higher * If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
============================== And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this: * If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger * If there is a number, make it higher * If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
============================== And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this: * If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger * If there is a number, make it higher * If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
I read the article. I is a good article... if this were still November 2003.
So I am left now trying to figure out why, four months after the game went live, in my estimation, Star Wars: Galaxies is one of the worst massively-multiplayer persistent-world games to date, leaving aside fringe products like Mankind or World War II Online. """""
The guy who wrote that article, and review, wrote and admited ..... it was done 4 months after SWG released. SWG as of right now, December 2003, is radically changed from how it was 4 months after release. Heck, back then was the tailend of players still being unable to log into the game because the servers were tooo filled from tons of players who took vacations, cut school, cut work, on purpose so they could be ingame as much as possible. So.... the article is right now moot, useless, not relevant to how SWG is right now.
You know nothing about current state of the game, I am asking you to keep your comments to yourself.
Since this article SWG got only worse so yes article is a litle outdated, current game status is worse than in November 2003.
============================== And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this: * If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger * If there is a number, make it higher * If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
============================== And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this: * If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger * If there is a number, make it higher * If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
Xplororor, how can you say that SWG is radically different? The only new things are PCs, vehicles, mounts and Jedi. That's not enough to warrant a drastic change. I would call fixing DE and other broken classes a drastic change for those professions and the whole game. I would also call fixing all of the bugs a drastic change.
MAKANE (Horizons: Malakye Revan - Conjurer on Bounty) Lords of Stonekeep
You know nothing about current state of the game, I am asking you to keep your comments to yourself.
Are you drunk? Why in the world are you posting a link to the flull fledged flop of a MMORPG Asheron's Call 2? What was the point of you doing that? LOL
1. I have played SWG since release. I have played SWG 4 months ago. I have played SWG recently. I am playing SWG currently and right now.
The author of that article made his review 4 months after SWG was released. Thus his review is only good... if we were in November 2003. We are now in January 2003.
Since this article SWG got only worse so yes article is a litle outdated, current game status is worse than in November 2003.
SWG has added 5 more NEW servers. Why is this? Since November 2003 SWG has increased its accounts, passing 300,000 to having roughly 335,000 accounts.
Many bugs, exploits, broken programming, has been fixed. New game features have been added that make it a much different game right now, than it was after 4 months of release.
SWG has added 5 more NEW servers. Why is this? Since November 2003 SWG has increased its accounts, passing 300,000 to having roughly 335,000 accounts. Many bugs, exploits, broken programming, has been fixed. New game features have been added that make it a much different game right now, than it was after 4 months of release.
Wrong, and wrong.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
meh i thought this would be a good idea at first guess not though
Actualy its almost worth the price of the subscription just to see the mess that their forums/community is in....thats is, if you enjoy things like the Jerry Springer show or the aftermath of a car accident.
But if your buying it for the game? do yourself a favor and get your StarWars fix with kotor.
The message boards are ; )
"Everything is mine and your woman too"
"Everything is mine and your woman too"
I played SWG for almost 4 months before leaving in disgust. Here's my mini review:
1. If you like playing solo at all, then you'd better become a Creatute Handler, and join the Pokemon herd. Everyone's showing off their pets, which is real Star-Warsy...
2. Barely any droids in the game, and the ones that are there are useless. Basically moving crafting machines, which is really Star-Warsy...
3. Their 'monthly' story arcs? Boring. They consist of: Kill the MOBs until they finally drop the item you're looking for... As far as 'monthly', there's only been two (and the game's been out almost 6 months). The last one was broke all to Hell. Maybe it's fixed now, I don't know.... And I hope you like camping. Really Star-Warsy...
4. Many upper professions simply do not work: Droid Engineer, Squad Leader, Smuggler has an entire skill-line that is simply useless. Chef is just pointless, burn your money instead. Rifoleer is a joke, might as well just lay down and wait to get deathblowed, because that's what's gonna happen. They keep promising updates for the broken classes, but six months into it, and nothing much has been done.
5. The Galactic Civil War (GCW) is virtually non-existent. What is there is nothing more than a gank-fest. Don't expect any excitement at the thought of actually mattering in the GCW. Faction Perks are useless. Imperial AT-ST's used to do some damage, but they've been nerfed to death; expect a Commando to kill all your hard work with a flame-thrower in about 10 hits.
6. Their 'dynamic' quests? They're either 'Kill the Bugs' or 'Fedex'. Most of the major themeparks/quests simply didn't work (maybe that's changed now...). A lot of the regular quests don't work either. I once did a 3-4 part quest, the last part had me run out about 2,000 meters to see a person about the reward. I get out there, and there's nothing there... Really fun...Can't wait to do a quest like that again!
7. Customer service that is in the bottom of the barrel. Borderlines on fraud. Ask someone about the whole 'Boourns' ordeal. Your house may disappear (with all items in it), and you're basically gonna be told, "While we'd like to help you, we can't."
8. Server reboots almost daily. I swear to God, they're running this game on Commadore 64's... The only server that works flawlessly is their billing server.
I could go on, but I get depressed... I tried so hard to have fun in this game, but it just didn't happen. This game is truly horrible.
You've been warned!
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
I play on a VIc-20.
It comes with 1 free month.
SWG is nothing like EQ. It has much different game play, game features, game mechanics, etc...
Heck, SWG has no zones! Talk about huge difference.
Don't listen to the above posters who are the real whiners.
SWG has over 300,000 accounts! And increasing. This is after being out for just 4 months!
Is SWG addicting? Maybe to a hardcore Star Wars fan.
I don't think a reagular gamer who is not a big SW fan will get addicted, though they will still like it.
A hardcore EQ fan will have to forget about EQ while playing SWG - because the 2 games are too different. (Though both games are nice!).
I see your point. But the SWG game DEVs posted ahead of time why the would make the official forums available only to subscribers.
Some of the reasons:
1. It makes everyone posting far, far, more accountable.
2. It seriously cuts down on the spam, off topic posts, flaming, and trolling.
3. It increases the amount of constructive criticism.
4. Paying players are the once paying the salaries of the moderators. The moderators were having to moderate people who were not even paying. It's as if they were getting a free ride. Better to have the moderators there for the subscribers first because - its one of the benifits the subscribers are suppose to be getting.
Umm ... Let me correct you. There are probably 300,000 registered users. That means nothing...
As far as active (and still paying) accounts, I'd put it at about 50,000 - 75,000. Big difference!
But we all know, xplororor (or his parents) work for SOE ...
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
SWG hit shelves on June 26, 2003. You'd think someone that works for SOE would at least have their facts straight.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
SWG hit shelves on June 26, 2003. You'd think someone that works for SOE would at least have their facts straight.
Where I live, SWG hit the shelves in July. It was in July 2003 that SWG was mass released. You'd think someone who makes it their mission to slander SWG on as many forums as possible would make sure to have all the facts to back up their claims.
(Including listing where they are getting information that I work for SOE?)
For some players SWG hit the shelves as late as September 2003. But for the majority of players SWG hit the shelves by July 2003.
But even if your point is allowed to be true - that SWG was released at the end of June 2003 ...... then SWG is 5 1/2 months old. In the world of MMORPGs, it is still an ultra new game. MMORPGs are intended to have a shelf life of 5 years. A MMORPG starts its prime roughly 1 year after release. (see Anarchy Online, EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot.)
SWG hit shelves on June 26, 2003. You'd think someone that works for SOE would at least have their facts straight.
Where I live, SWG hit the shelves in July. It was in July 2003 that SWG was mass released. You'd think someone who makes it their mission to slander SWG on as many forums as possible would make sure to have all the facts to back up their claims.
(Including listing where they are getting information that I work for SOE?)
For some players SWG hit the shelves as late as September 2003. But for the majority of players SWG hit the shelves by July 2003.
But even if your point is allowed to be true - that SWG was released at the end of June 2003 ...... then SWG is 5 1/2 months old. In the world of MMORPGs, it is still an ultra new game. MMORPGs are intended to have a shelf life of 5 years. A MMORPG starts its prime roughly 1 year after release. (see Anarchy Online, EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot.)
I'm finished even having discussions with you. SWG was released nationwide on June 26th, 2003.
Even when you're absolutely wrong, you just heap a bunch of lies ... Do you get a kickback for each new reference to the game or what?
One final point. I do agree with you that SWG is new, and could someday become a great game. But SWG today is an absolute, lagged, bug-ridden mess. This is the SWG I'm talking about. Not the SWG 2 years from now (if it survives).
p.s. I heard vehicles are live, and they're causing even more lag. That sounds like fun to me....
Also gotta love the ole /warn feature they were forced to drop. Don't fix an exploit even though there were tons of ideas on how to do it. Just can the whole thing...
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
Is this game addictive? To a point....
I pre-ordered the game, thinking of beautiful landscapes, jedi running around, the imperial army crashing on planets.... well, I got one thing right.
Its very addictive when you start out. The first thing you might think now is " I'm gonna be a jedi!!" But the truth is, you have to master several professions to even have a chance. then you have to do something to activate your FSCS.
When I got the game, I started medic. The SWG in-game community is very, very friendly and medic was an enjoyable profession. Eventually, I mastered medic and went on to combat medic....which are now useless since SWG totally nerfed poisons, which are pretty much the only reason you'd want to go CM.
But when you master your goaled professions, have all of the credits ( thats the currency ) you'll ever need, and seen what there is to be seen, the only thing that will keep you playing is your friends that you met in the SWG universe. So sadly, it gets old. There is no storyline, no goal, except for those many who have the thought to become jedi.
To those of you I say....Good luck, and let the force be with you. ( or...whatever )
Only you can set your destiny.....
Only you can set your destiny.....
NICE post you made. You didn't cuss, namecall, or make up things.
The main point you touch on is a problem for every MMORPG that has ever been made. What happens at endgame? UO, AC, EQ, AO - your last paragraph (sans the very last sentance since there's no Jedi in the other MMORPGs) applies to all other MMORPGs.
Add the fact that SWG is NOT intended for the powergamer, and powergamers who do play SWG will reach the 'endgame' quicker.
The DEVs did flip the Jedi 'switch' on recently. Actually the force sensitive switch. One still must master the Jedi skill tree to become a Jedi.
Insightfull, informative and unbias look at SWG, check it out, very good read
And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this:
* If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger
* If there is a number, make it higher
* If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this:
* If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger
* If there is a number, make it higher
* If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
I read the article. I is a good article... if this were still November 2003.
So I am left now trying to figure out why, four months after the game went live, in my estimation, Star Wars: Galaxies is one of the worst massively-multiplayer persistent-world games to date, leaving aside fringe products like Mankind or World War II Online. """""
The guy who wrote that article, and review, wrote and admited ..... it was done 4 months after SWG released. SWG as of right now, December 2003, is radically changed from how it was 4 months after release. Heck, back then was the tailend of players still being unable to log into the game because the servers were tooo filled from tons of players who took vacations, cut school, cut work, on purpose so they could be ingame as much as possible.
So.... the article is right now moot, useless, not relevant to how SWG is right now.
======= SIGNATURE =========
MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
More games:
Then every comment you made on this board is exactly the same, moot.
You know nothing about current state of the game, I am asking you to keep your comments to yourself.
Since this article SWG got only worse so yes article is a litle outdated, current game status is worse than in November 2003.
And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this:
* If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger
* If there is a number, make it higher
* If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
And besides, like it or not, people do try to "win" massively multiplayer RPGs. The rules of engagement are something like this:
* If there is a status bar, make it grow bigger
* If there is a number, make it higher
* If it moves, either get a mission from it or kill it
Xplororor, how can you say that SWG is radically different? The only new things are PCs, vehicles, mounts and Jedi. That's not enough to warrant a drastic change. I would call fixing DE and other broken classes a drastic change for those professions and the whole game. I would also call fixing all of the bugs a drastic change.
(Horizons: Malakye Revan - Conjurer on Bounty)
Lords of Stonekeep
======= SIGNATURE =========
MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
More games:
Wrong, and wrong.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman