FYI, We are a smaller corp, and believe in slow / steady growth. So if you are looking for a veteran corp this really isnt the corp for you. A lot of us are learning the game together.
We now have our own public chatroom for prospective recruits and friends of the corp
feel free to send me a message / eve mail or join our chatroom. I am on mostly during the day US time M-F and am more than happy to talk to you in text or on teamspeak.
FYI, We are a smaller corp, and believe in slow / steady growth. So if you are looking for a veteran corp this really isnt the corp for you. A lot of us are learning the game together.
I would like to be part oyour corporation.. do you guys have a TS server or anything?
yes we have a teamspeak 2 server, I am on it right now. eve mail Helper Monkey and I will get ahold of you asap
Take the Hecatomb TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.[/CENTER]
don't click this link...
again, if you would like to join PLEASE MSG Helper Monkey ingame.
text has been updated, the people who posted here turned out to be deadbeats, ignoring eve mails and contact.
Anyone not smart enough to just eve mail me ingame can go join some other corp. We want serious players.
Thread Completely updated.
We now have our own public chatroom for prospective recruits and friends of the corp
feel free to send me a message / eve mail or join our chatroom. I am on mostly during the day US time M-F and am more than happy to talk to you in text or on teamspeak.
still looking for recruits.
ok recruiting closed.