So my level 55 Wizard with 30 Health has 107 less HP and 131 less MP than my friend's level 55 Wizard with 30 Health.
We were both naked during this test.
That is a huge difference, and game breaking for PvP.
Can some of you do these tests as well? Just need to find a friend/guildee that is the same level, with the same Health stat. Get naked and check your HP and MP.
Lol this kills any and all competitive PvP and skill based combat that Daum is advertising.
False advertising at its best.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
EDIT: Oh yeah, or you can always roll a new character.
I play MMOs for the Forum PVP
Thankfully I avoided this mess and am happily enjoying Crowfall birth pains.
Min maxing exists for a reason. Once they get the hacking under wraps and actually introduce end game PvP, even a few points will make a difference.
Not trying anything, asking for a valid comparison since making this topic on the official forum resulted in a lock after a few people contributed.
Also, they said that they're looking into it (Daum) and talking to PA about changing it.
This is a non issue.
7% isn't really much, and that is assuming you got shit rolls and whoever you are comparing against got great ones. Realistically the difference will be about 4-5%
Hacking is a much bigger concern than RNG stats.