I just bought a new computer with a 980 GEFORCgraphics card. It's not the latest, but it is pretty powerful. I always try to get the highest card my poor little budget can afford. I'm wondering if there are any MMOs that actually need these powerful cards? Is card tech outpacing the need for them?
I self identify as a monkey.
I self identify as a monkey.
Nvidias '80 cards are not the best bang for the buck, the '70 cards will give you more value for each dollar but they are not a bad deal if you can afford it. I get '80 cards and replace them every 3 years or so myself (my 780 will be replaced when the next gen releases later this year).
If you want to push the card a bit, try the Witcher 3 maxed out.
There are some rumours saying that Star citizen will be pretty demanding, not in the alpha myself so I don't know what is true or not. At this moment is The division probably the most demanding MMO (if you count it as a MMO) that is released.