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Yet even in all the positive press both games have received, more than a few people have felt as if they have to choose one over the other. It’s almost as if some have come to believe that they can only like one game per genre and that any others are not up to par. We’re here to tell you that that’s not true. You can love and enjoy both Overwatch and Battleborn! No, really. You can!
Hoping for some goodness from BF1 or maybe that new CoD one (but it doesn't seem to be popular...).
For one, the majority of the PvE maps last between 25-40 minutes at normal difficulty so far. The PvP offers three different modes, with the two more complex, MOBAesque modes lasting 30 minutes at max.
The third PvP mode is pretty close to classic domination maps, in which you get points for controlling one of three capture points. This mode is pretty straight forward PvP, close to team deathmatch and matches typical last only around 15 minutes.
I also want to share that from my experience, if you only care for PvP, Battleborn also offers the complete experience. I would even say its focus is more on the PvP side, if you only want to PvE, I would find the game a bit lacking in case you plan to play it extensively.
Great game so far.
Plus Battleborn reminds me too much of Wildstar.
There's half a dozen of these games coming out in the near future.
I will play Overwatch and I will most likely play Lawbreakers and Paragon considering I'm easy to win over when it comes to really good graphics.
I liked the style and play of Dirty Bomb, but after watching Angry Joe's review, I won't go anywhere near that game. The "pay to advance" factor is so high that it might as well be pay to win.
The reason I don't like Battleborn has little to do with who makes it, or some innate desire to be exclusive to Overwatch. The art style is, in my opinion, hideous. It's one of the ugliest games I've seen since Wildstar, and that's saying something. It's like being on an acid trip inside of a kaleidoscope factory.
I mean if you give me two steaks and one tastes like a perfectly seared and seasoned medium well done filet from Ruth's Chris, and the other tastes like gall bladder of a yak from a McDonald's fryer, then I'm going to gravitate to the one I enjoy. Nothing untoward about that.
Where as I found the palette and the use of black ....everything again (Afuckingain!) to be overly done. Doom is a decent game but it's riding on a old IP with alot of Old material to go through and re-use...extensively.
I'm waiting on BF1 at this time. Overwatch and BB are in my collection but still sometimes you don't want hyperactive run and gun chaos. Sometimes you want to charge across a battlefield behind a tank getting shot at by a nest of Gerries.
Then again as with all BF games I just end up flying anyhow so I may as well just play Warthunder.