She literally killed dozens of people coming at her, myself included, all the while taking no damage. AND she was lower level then most of the people ganging up on her. Moreover I know for a fact some of the people fighting her were using no CD hacks themselves
It would be quite funny if it wasn't so sad. Hacker V Hacker. Whoever is hacking harder wins.
The thread on the official
forums. Jouska banned her after she slaughtered everyone a few hundred times.
Even funnier is that they locked the thread without any mention of it being locked. Just because it showed they have no ways of detecting hackers other than them being reported by slaughtering dozens of people.
Yep, look at my previous posts. Not that hard to find hacks for the game, especially if you go to that one site that was mentioned here a few times and read through the comments. Then google translate is your friend.
And I agree 100% that Daum has no way of catching smart PvE hackers. No idea why she quit over that fail, since she could have just botted or duped whatever she needed. Has to be more to the story than that.
As for the hacking itself, it's really wide spread, visit pirate island and you will see a lot of people solo where korea needs +18 - +20 parties for. A lot of these guys are not just exploiting but also AFK on bot, I guess that's how the gold farmers make the money these days in BDO. Botting/exploiting the account to 55 in a few days, then making about 120m per day for a few days on pirate island, gearing the character and selling it.
Agree with this. There will be no game fixes for this, just not economically worth it for them.
And using the 'event' to push the responsibility for this onto the players is a typical game company cheapskate thing to do. Means they won't allocate there staff to pro-actively do anything about it.
You have to live with it or leave unfortunately. Currently I am enjoying my life skills enough to stay, but it's a real shame this game is so dorked at the design level.
I also don't remember anytime a GM personally showed up in game to ban a hacker in Archeage.
no they are getting temp bans
Temp bans for hacking is crap so hopefully there's more to the story.