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I actually liked this game but repeating those missions over & over again for experience KILLED ME and I couldn't handle it because it was so boring.
I would love a fast way to get to level 50 so I can just focus on PVP.
Yep the grind is still there but it is differnt from any other game I have seen. The best way to get EXP is to run missions. You can do this with either some1 your level or a level 50; it doesn't matter(at least i think it doesnt... i havent played for a while).
Any ways missions are sorta like a quest. You are given a certain task and you must complete it. You get experince for killing baddies in the quest itself but after the quest you get a HUGE exp bonus for completing it. I was 50 in no time. Best way to do it is to either have a high(lvl 50) friend/guildie run missions and u just sit back and take in all the exp or get a martial arts load out when ur 1-30 or a arbarlest(not exactly sure if thats how to spell it ><) when ur 31-50 and solo the mission.
Yes, it's still extremely harsh and boring!
Fast way to Level 50 for PvP... not going to happen. I still play and like MxO, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it! The good news, SOE is re-releasing MxO via the Station Access box set this Thursday (Mar 23). So the game will see an influx of new players. This allows you to join Vector-Hostile and participate in PvP right away as you will have players around your same level.
Its as harsh and boring as you make it to be
As far as me Im having a great time leveling but thats because of the people I play with. Plus as far as all the games Ive played it has the best RP as the game actually helps further the storyline and people are trying to connect the dots or creating there own sub story line. Me and my group are having a blast RPing and doing the missions so I donno its all how you play I suppose.
Sift your post ties in with a post I made in another thread. You are having a great time because "people I play with" .. "..people .. creating there own sub story line". With MxO it solely comes down to community, it's the best I've seen so far in an MMO. Most MxO players will say they stay for friends and factionmates. The community creates the content, as LET is all but gone. The MxO community creates storylines, RP, etc to keep the game going.
Syntax - The Glitch Society
I agree with that, it is the community thats keeping this game alive. But to be perfectly honest for me its the comunity that makes most games a fun or bad experience. I left WoW because we had a wicked group of people but suddenly we all broke up for some inner conflicts I still dont really know lol, I left EQ2 because the group I played with for like 6 months broke up and it was no longer fun.
I am not trying to level as fast as possible and Im not going to try, infact Ive been taking it a bit slower then I normaly would as the person I group with the most is a few levels under me, but to be perfectly honest she is the reason I haven't canned my account, because before that I could never find a group now I group every day.
If you just want a solo grinding game this will do it for you but I don't suggest it as its not going to be very fun there are better games for that, but if you actually want to take part in some cool things going on around the game then this game does have some going on