Star Citizen I think companies have ran out of funds to invest and many just go small/indie over taking risks, delivering us mini games. No wonder our persistent, virtual, online, massive world games have been lacking over the last 5-6 years. Thanks to the recent rise of kick starter Star Citizen for example managed to get to where it is, but I don't think this is enough. I am also certain many want and deserve games of this complexity, since the technology, tools as well as player funds are available. So, instead of kick starter we deserve something like investor/shareholder if we are going to see the games we want come to fruition and if they proven to be great success not only we will get our $ back, but make far more in the process.
Let's face it few are born into this world with 100's of millions to spend and fewer feel risking all of that if the risk is all on their side. The more people involved the risk becomes lessened and spread out, so the losses are far less costly if it comes to that, but anything I mean ANYTHING is better than playing this waiting game that clearly has proven over these years it's not in our best interest.
From 2013/2014/2015/2016 there is only Defiance and I don't even know what happened to that MMOFPS, it's not even a MMORPG? So, if anything the next "WOW killer" as many would like to say, the next big thing that most of us should be gladly buy on launch is Star Citizen. It is the only MMORPG on a big scale budget, there is nothing even remotely close. Our choice at least now is clearer than ever...
No sir. Our model is the trapezoid!
I think what Mindark did with Calypso was good, they released land deeds in the game and players who bought the deeds get a weekly return on them, also the deeds can be sold in game to other players. so the money always stays in game.
Myself and my husband bought a lot of deeds and made quite a profit, so we bought into the game more by buying a moon named Monria
go to for more info
Why not go to Monria it's the best place to start your virtual life in Entropia Universe
Star Citizen stands alone in this market now and it most likely will take/capture a sizable portion of this market.
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거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Bad publishers and delays can be brutal for any game with a market where consistently new products are brought. SOE with DCUO as well as Trion with Rift and Funcom with Secret World best know this by where they used to be and where they are now.
Think about it. Archeage was already built before Trion got a hold of it. It was nothing then to secure some capital in order to get it ported over here because that thing was literally already built and tested to suck pretty much as much money out of it's players, in the most scientific of ways no less, before it ever hit our shores.
Paying someone to put that together though? And AFTER such a thing has already existed and has done the damage that such a thing would do to the customer base? That would be a HUGE risk. So huge, in fact, that I don't think I'd take it.
Make no mistake, with every "Free to Play" game and every cash grab, incomplete, unfinished, unpolished, and sometimes plain out stupid game that hits this genre the possibility of making something good diminishes. AD&D was a fluke, and even the difference between the way a free player and a pay player played THAT was like night and day. Every push ever since towards forcing the player to pay more than the generation (and I use that term loosely) before them paid as well as every additional bad release of a subscription game has resulted in fewer and fewer people willing to show up on opening day as well as fewer people even returning to certain types of business plans.
With all of that said then, it would only be wise to, as in the beginning, wait for someone to put something decent together and then buy that, which is why all of the kickstarter campaigns. The problem with that though is that, just like you had unscrupulous people making video games that they never intended to last, you also now have unscrupulous marketing guys out there selling you bridges.
As to the point of the thread (running out of funds to invest) this is way off base. There is still tons and tons of money being invested into games. The problem is that it is the publishers who have the big money, not developers.
This means developers have to justify their plans to publishers in advance and this is where innovation gets snubbed out. As games are so expensive to develop, investors (publishers) wan't minimal risk, so they aren't willing to gamble on new features or new styles of gameplay unless the developers can come up with a really compelling argument. This is why we often see really high budget sequels (gears of war, assassins creed, gta, cod etc) because they are safe investments but we rarely see such high investment in new types of gameplay or IPs.
The exact same problem exists in the film industry - heavy investment in "safe" films (like superhero movies) and much less investment in everything else.
Can crowd-funding save the day? My personal belief is no. I really believe that if your idea is genuinely good enough to attract enough money to make a AAA game through crowd-funding, then it should be easy to get more traditional funding. An MMO game I created, solo. It's live now and absolutely free to play!