Ok I look on the site because I love mmorpg games. I use it to find new games to play and through it found my next passion Chronicles of Elyria.
Now its a game that is not everyone's cup of tea. For some it's the opposite of what they want. And you know what that's fine, everyone has their own gaming style and love, but.....
And it's a big but...
The good community on here seems to be out weighed by those few haters, trolls and down right ignorant people.
So why do these people go to forums about a game they have no interest in and polite the threads with their words of hate?
I don't go to other games and say "chronicles of elyria is the only game to play all others the devs have no idea what they are talking about"
So why happens when I answer their negativity back with arguments about how they are ignorant of the game and can't back their arguments with valid evidential points. (Or call them inbred ingrates which is sometimes needed) I get a warning.
But when they do it to any member of the community that sticks up for the game. .. They get a gold star.
It's about time these forums moderated their moderators and cleaned house.
I do agree, though. The trolls need a heavier hand than they get currently. Some of the people on this forum literally do nothing but sit around and troll and add nothing constructive.
Look at it this way. If you had a disagreement with someone face to face in real life. Would you tell them that they were inbred scum? Probably not because you couldn't handle the more then likely beat down you'd receive. Same goes here! Except you have to handle the more then likely beat down the mods are going to give you.
Also, if you take issue with how you are being moderated you should probably take it to private message with mod or contact the community manager through email at community@mmorpg.com. As posting a topic about it is not really the best approach and could be frowned upon. You should also may want to read the mmorpg.com User Agreement/ Terms of Use at http://www.mmorpg.com/disclaimers.cfm#conduct as it could save you a lot of headaches down the road.
And that was rather excessive I never actually called anyone that. I just used it as an example because I was mad. The worst I did was point out that someone was indeed a troll
I've had to put up with people complaining since I started visiting forums... and was the reason that I started posting.. to call out people on their bullshit.
The very first time that I came into the forums I wanted to read about and get excited for the game that I was playing. Instead all I found were people complaining about it. It really was a downer.
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I just don't understand why they don't bother
It's therefore quite normal you might have different opinions of a strong nature due to all these people wanting the game to be fun in how they want to play it, this doesn't even go into more subjective stuff like p2w or mechanics some might feel will be exploited.
It happens in every game forums were one group will be labeled a "hater" and another "white knights"...doesn't matter how careful you try to be eventually you will be labeled as on or the other at some point.
You need to figure out how much your going to let that kind of stuff bother you and figure out for yourself when to step back otherwise the mods do it for you.
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
I have no problem with people putting a discussion over in a constructive and decent way.
Take you for example if I remember you have concerns over CoE but I don't see you hijacking every thread with hate.
It's those people that I mean, that's the reason there was a warning in the coe forums because people are hijacking all the threads.
Why can't they put forward a constructive argument in a passive way and actually have discussion.
I have got myself plenty of warning because people here have riled me up, not with their dislike of the game but on the personal attacks and campaign of hate
But saying that since the kickstarter theactivity of members has shot up.
I think things like calling them stupid, trolls and other things is the worst I ever got.
I deserved my moderation warnings but the whole conversation should have been taken in context and they should have received a warning too.
I now just report them for trolling or going off topic and put forward an argument.
Like a comment I made about the negativity and someone said it was realism and said i needed to know he difference. So I posted a definition of negativity to show I was right to use the phrase.
No doubt he will argue the sky is green that he is right and I am wrong. Just another troll on a forum.
The main point is the mods on these forums need to be a little more proactive and a little less bias
Thanks for the support prices not everyone here is as bad as in the coe forums
Signed Davan Drakenhoff ruler of Castle Drakenhoff the impenatrable castle made from cardboard
I have much experience with this type of thing. Once upon a time this forum had political chat.
IMO, you are just Orcing..
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Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"