Just a quick question.
When are the manufacturer versions (not founder/reference) GTX1080 coming out?
I'd imagine the manufacturers got their hands on the chips ahead of time, so their versions can't take long now?
I'd love to get an MSI GTX1080. I've always had great experience in terms of stability with MSI.
01110110 01101001 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101101 01101001 01100111 01101111 00100001
It might be that making 1080 goes quickly enough, and in that case it should be just a couple of months for other versions to come out. Or it might be that there are problems getting any versions of GTX 1080 made, in which case you might have to wait until first half of 2017 for non-reference versions.
So reference 290x came out october 24th (comparable to late may for 1080)
Custom came out during the second part of january
Granted it was new year+bitcoin for AMD but lets compare it absolutely anyway
Roughly 3 months for custom AIB cards to show up, with extremely small amount of cards available and snatched up at 2.5 months mark.
So August 13th for nvidia for 1080.
Just go to wikipeida, look at the timeline releases between generations over the past 3 generations and you will see its almost exactly the same. I would go with that as your prediction model
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Also very much utterly irrelevant as it only tells you that's its probable something will be released in that time frame.
What it doesn't tell you if what's released is worth anything, and how much of a difference it will make compared to previous generation (in relation if there is a die shrink incoming for instance)
And also completely unimportant, wrong and irrelevant in the sense that if a paper launch happens, as then you need to know the real date of availability which makes comparing the wikipedia dates only a preliminary variable with minimal importance.
This answer of yours is comparable to blanket automated statements big companies make when they need to make an answer but when an actual answer would hurt their image (or in this case nothing constructive to add to the conversation), and when they want to skirt around whatever the answer is referring to and ignore it completely, while pretending to have actually answered or referenced a previous question (in this case a post).
In other words you're just writing posts to boost your post count and keep up appearances without writing anything connected to what you are supposedly answering, ...
is it an immutable forumla? no but is an educated guess
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Radeon HD 7970: Jan 9, 2012
Radeon HD 7950: Jan 31, 2012
Radeon HD 7770: Feb 15, 2012
Radeon HD 7750: Feb 15, 2012
Radeon HD 7870: Mar 19, 2012
Radeon HD 7850: Mar 19, 2012
Radeon HD 7730: May 2012 (no launch day reviews)
Radeon HD 7970 GHz: June 22, 2012
Radeon HD 7950 Boost: Aug 14, 2012
Radeon HD 7870 XT: Nov 19, 2012
Radeon HD 7990: Apr 24, 2013
That's various bins of just three chips, all of which had their first bin show up in Jan-Mar 2012. If we count later GCN chips, it gets a lot more spread out. Same if we count professional graphics or laptop cards, but you don't seem to. I'm also completely ignoring rebrands.
GeForce GTX 680: Mar 22, 2012
GeForce GTX 690: Apr 29, 2012
GeForce GTX 670: May 10, 2012
GeForce GT 640: Jun 2012 (no launch day reviews)
GeForce GTX 660 Ti: Aug 16, 2012
GeForce GTX 660: Sep 13, 2012
GeForce GTX 650: Sep 13, 2012
GeForce GTX 650 Ti: Oct 9, 2012
GeForce GT 635: Feb 19, 2013
GeForce GTX Titan: Feb 21, 2013
GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost: Mar 26, 2013
GeForce GTX 645: Apr 22, 2013
GeForce GTX 780: May 23, 2013
GeForce GTX 770: May 30, 2013
GeForce GT 630: May 29, 2013
GeForce GTX 760: Jun 25, 2013
GeForce GTX 780 Ti: Nov 7, 2013
GeForce GTX Titan Z: Mar 25, 2014
An entire generation within a month, you say? That's not all within a year, for either vendor. It's pretty much guaranteed that the shrink to 14/16 nm will have cards from both vendors trickle out over the course of the next year or more, too.
He completely ignored every part of my post and just said the same damn thing again without even rephrasing, ...
It's hilarious he did exactly what i said he does all the time : skirt the answer, ignore the previous post, post irrelevant answer to keep up appearances, pretend to have written something constructive and build up count post with a post that's not different from spam, priceless.
Sometimes i wonder if some people here are fake personas with a whole team of satirical comedians behind them, and that this is all an elaborate NBC SNL sketch social experiment, ...
lol...can you be any more predictable. If I was more invested in trying to explain why my guess was right I would go to wikipedia and illustrate what I am talking about but in the end, my guess...was....right..and that ...funny how that works isnt? much be magic on my part I guess
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Mar 27, 2014 to Jun 18, 2014
a. I said ' a few months' not 'a month'
2. if anal fucking what I said changes the point of what I said then it makes sense. HOWEVER, if 'a few months' actually turns out to be that every card of that geneation is actually released in 6 months it STILL does not change my core point that once these cards are released things happen quickly.
3. I made a prediction, the prediction was correct. nobody asked me what I based my prediction on I was kind enough to try and explain how I came about my prediction that ended up right, my mistake sorry I shared that informatiuon
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
For that matter, try reading your own post sometime, preferably before clicking "Post Comment". Quoted above, in the post I replied to:
"Also I looked at the dates of the following same generation cards and it consitently showed ALL cards of that generation where released within a month or so of the announced date of that generation."
That very explicitly says "a month or so", not "a few months". And even if it did say a few months, it would still be wrong.
Mar 27, 2014 to Jun 18, 2014
I dont know what the fuck this means:
February 29, 2014 / December 1, 2015
So Gefore 200 series:
all that data vs. 1 card, 1st release, will it be widely in use before a 9 month time frame.
yeah I am calling your attack unwarrented, it should have just been a polite correction because it doesnt change my point but I do amit mistake. I would love it if others did the same when it happens
let me ask this question then.
How is it literally the DAY BEFORE Micron said they had more supplies then they stated did I suggest that Nvidia will likely pull a rabbit out of the hat and everything will go as one would expect when something is released to the public? because I sure the fuck am not telling anyone, I want them to tell me
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007709 601201888
2. I think you meant to write "GeForce 400 series", not "Gefore 200 series"
yes we do not know for sure when however the current indicators is that those first assumptions will likely become inaccurate.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
The first two posts after mine>quizz>mine post have so many grammatical errors and his overall writing style is like that of another person, or someone whos stress level just shot up over 9000 because he got caught in a big one
i mean trying to change the english language meaning of "within a month" to "a month or so"
Maybe the SNL skit dude/gal who was on writing duty this whole time was sick, and someone else had to step in ?