Yeah with my i7 and 16 Gigs of RAM and R9 380 4 Gig on Windows 10 64bit I get around 50 to 55 on ultra at 1080p. The game runs very well for me. I love the game and am excited to upgrade my video card soon to see even better performance.
Technology is moving so fast lately. It has always moved fast but just lately I feel like it's going light speed. I have a good card now 980ti so I feel relatively safe. Next year who knows right? I just hope I won't have to implant a chip in my forehead or something that's when I refuse to upgrade.
But i would still like to know who still thinks DX12 is "worthless" and just "a gimmick" and who would still like to stick to DX11
Especially since MMOs could have HUGE benefit from it as they are mostly CPU bound like this game.
yeah i dont think anyone has ever suggested DirectX 12 as a 'gimmick' words like that seem to just be applied (wrongly in my view) to VR.
Having said that my understanding is that DX12 is a performance enhancement however it doesnt bring better graphics to the table, yeah in a sense that its faster but not in the sense of a new Shader version.
anyway, I might be wrong much time has passed so I dont recall what my orginal views where. I will say however in my personal view Vulkan and DX12 are likely neck and neck and I bet might even be using the same core technology
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Not graphics but quality of games for sure. Now you can have tens of thousands of units (players) on screen while with DX11 that would bog down any CPU to FPS teens.
So you can have MUCH more going on in the game at any time.
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Especially since MMOs could have HUGE benefit from it as they are mostly CPU bound like this game.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
MMOs just aren't that popular anymore.
Having said that my understanding is that DX12 is a performance enhancement however it doesnt bring better graphics to the table, yeah in a sense that its faster but not in the sense of a new Shader version.
anyway, I might be wrong much time has passed so I dont recall what my orginal views where. I will say however in my personal view Vulkan and DX12 are likely neck and neck and I bet might even be using the same core technology
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
So you can have MUCH more going on in the game at any time.,6.html