4 Awful Gaming Industry Practices (Nobody Complains About)
Take a moment to read the article (keep in mind it's posted on a humor site, so there
will be cynical jokes and hyperbole used).
I found the first point especially interesting, and I tend to agree.
Following the link the writer includes to a Forbes article provides another interesting read that I have to agree with as well.
Do you agree? Disagree? Agree in some places, but not in others?
working condition, is all about tools, microsoft love to force devs to use directx correct? so why not use another tools? opengl was pretty good during the early days of game, neverwinter nights pretty much was top on graphic on that time and was fully open gl, plus in doing so you had more plataforms to go for not only the windows, that was they choice, to forfet a free tool for a microsoft tool, now we have steam trying a second go to with and I hope they can pull out, competition make better products to us all, and microsoft is too used to be in the lead for everything, hence why they are tossing garbage after garbage, and my no wish to use win 10 even being free to me
we can't also let the devs out of it thinking they are all naive people who are just wanting to make fun games, that hatred game was pretty bad for me, I don't even like GTA so a game like that would never be on my play list, but hey make it, they are free to do it, make it and let the market say what they think, all the news generated by it was stupid, like most things, if you don't like ignore, don't give then money for it, but what we see is people complain but they still pay for it, the game such devs are greed sobs, but the damn stupid dude still keep shoving they money into the game.
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