Since the RX-480 is a few weeks off and I've got no GPU for the moment, I was wondering if anyone here could suggest me a game (both MMO and non-MMO) that would run well on the Intel HD530 on 1080. I don't really care if it's Indie or not, but I'm looking for something to pass me by after I finish Hyper Light Drifter.
Thanks for the suggestion. I just added the game on my wishlist. Hopefully, it goes on sale by the time I'm done with Hyper Light Drifter.
The concerns and fear of integrated is quite a dated issue since manufacturers are focusing more onto TDP lowering and not performance chasing
Skylake's 530 is actually pretty good, for an integrated solution. Sure, you need to lower your expectations a bit (for example, GTA V is only low settings and 720p, ), but even if you want to keep your fullHD and at least medium settings, I think most games and MMOs from 2012 or before will run decently.
Thanks. I'll be adding Stardew Valley to my list