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Dual Universe is an incredibly ambitious game, and I wouldn't blame you if you felt a little skeptical about its promise of creating a shared universe where millions of players can coexist. Dual Universe isn't just meant to be explored, but also lived in as players begin to organize and form their own digital societies. During E3 in LA, I sat down with the founder of Dual Universe developer Novaquark, JC Baille, to talk candidly about what Dual Universe is, but more importantly, how it works.
But, its good to see smaller indi / aa developers taking ideas forward, there is no doubt that there will be a synergy to eve and this game, but like eve, once released this game will take some time to get going given that players will be the driving force until them players have populated / created / designed items then it will be hard graft.
But i for one will be looking forward to seeing some 'real' game play not just the e3 vid (and please make 3rd person view as soon as)
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
Use this code for 21days trial in eve online
I'm about 50% sure this game will STILL be in Early Access after Star Citizen launches !
The *LAST* MMORPG that I would want my product compared to.
Glad you could spare the time to create an account to make that exceedingly valuable statement, from such a position of authority, welcome to the Forums
EVE nor WoW are perfect games, far from in fact, but both have been grated the spark of life by the MMO gods, thus they have outlived every attempt to topple them until now, even by technically superior games in their fields.
Gaming since 1985; Online gaming since 1995; No End in Sight! My YouTube Channel:
I self identify as a monkey.
If this works, I can imagine this game actually having practical use, as well as being fascinating to play - researchers could visit to investigate different ways of organising a society or an economy, different town layouts for instance, and see what the results are when exposed to real people. (I've heard that studies like that have been tried in other games e.g. WoW and do have limits, but as far as they go this would be great for them - and that might be slightly further in this case.)
That might be something they could sell to raise money - give a person "Game Master" abilities over an area for a limited period of time, for instance the ability to call in natural disasters or alter the resources available, things like that. £20 per week per planet or whatever (don't know what the scale of the place is), excluding main social hubs, only available case-by-case to trusted players e.g. those who've been playing a certain length of time and have no complaints against them. But it could work, I think. Has anything like that ever been tried in other games I wonder, that anyone knows?
(Underlight does it a bit - in their case, the "trusted players" part is handled to some extent by the structure of the game. For instance, you can only be made a Teacher (able to give out your own quests) by someone who's already a Master Teacher themselves and after you've met various conditions, and players can still report you if you misuse it.)
I see Mgilbrtsn's point about not having enough players to fill the space. I recognise that problem, and it's especially important the more a game draws on player interaction. A button that listed what were the busiest areas in the game at the moment would help, then players would know where to go if they were looking for trade or company, without just having to range randomly through huge empty areas. The fact that you can build things in this game would also help - even if you explore a place and nobody's in it right now, you might still find other signs of life; even better if the things you can build do stuff, like display things for sale or whatever, or could show a message from the owner saying, for instance, where they've gone.