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While online gaming, I like to listen to talk radio in the background. I was just wondering if you do this and which shows you like?
I used to listen to the typical right wing blah blah blah crap, but then I got adventurous (aka bored with it) and started searching the dial. I found some really good and unusual stuff.
There is an awesome show that comes on late night. It's called Coast To Coast AM. It's about ghosts, UFO's, and other kinds of freaky stuff. It's awesome and fun to listen to while I'm up late gaming.
On weeknights I like to listen to Alan Colmes too. I know he is on a Fox News show but believe it or not this guy is really hilarious. He used to be a stand up comedian from what I hear. He talks politics but it's not in the usual A.M. radio's condescending way. It's in a humorous light kind of way. Check him out if you don't believe me.
On the weekends I listen to Leo Laporte. Remember him? I love Leo. And I listen to Dr. Dean Edell too. Gotta keep myself in tip top shape. Yeah, right. Hahaha...
There are some more I listen to, but they're just kind of just the normal talk radio format. Everyone complains about EQ clones, well I complain about Limbaugh clones when it comes to my talk radio listening.
That's kinda why I'm asking. I'm hoping you guys might be able to point me towards some other cool stuff I haven't found yet. I've got a computer beside the one I game on so I can listen to Internet radio shows too. Recommend me some.
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up
When it all seems so stupid
Sadly the term "Liberal" has been distorted and no longer means what it should.
In common usage "liberal" means social democrat in American politics.
A classical liberal is something that I identify with. Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin were classical liberals, for example.
Now, however, the term is applied to those who would make government involved in our lives to the largest degree possible.
A conservative is someone who prefers an idealized past over the present or foreseeable futures. (Mind you that the idealized past may never have existed. Consider how we now view the 1950's through leave it to beaver, I love Lucy, and Happy Days. Nothing there about the civil rights that were denied to many Americans during the '50's.
A liberal is at his heart a hypocrite. In an egalitarian effort to ensure equality for all they would set themselves above others to ensure equality. Some are more equal than others. Consider the Politburo under the failed liberal USSR.
Republicans are all about freedom until it comes to their chosen religion and then they want to force Christianity down our throats.
Democrats are all about freedom until it comes to interpreting the constitution. They will find that internet kiddie porn is protected free speech. Use the Federal power to regulate interstate commerce to justify the department of educations existence. So they are quite able to stretch the meaning of the first amendment into what I am sure the founding fathers never meant. Yet at the same time they cant understand the simple words shall not be infringed in the second amendment.
The only organization I can identify with politically is the Libertarian party.
I listen to Neal Boortz while I play.
Take this quiz to see where you fall in the political spectrum.
I listen to's podcasts.
You seem like an educated person or someone who just wrote a term paper on the subject for school, but of course I am using the more common modern-day meaning of the word "liberal."
I almost scored in the libertarian/right bracket on your link there. Pretty cool link.
Well... When I game I have T.V. on in the background. When I PvP I swich to a costume made CD of fight songs. Seriously makes me more involved in it, and helps clear my mind.
Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
Though I find Rush Limbaugh entertaining, I also find myself disagreeing with him most of the time.
Lately I don't find much difference in the Republicans or the Democrats. Sure, they have different ideas. But the different ideas are just where the growing government should throw its money and influence towards.
Neither of the two parties are for smaller government, lower taxes, greater personal freedoms, nor keeping us secure. They all just spout a bunch of rhetoric that lately has been nothing but inflammatory. Kind of like your "liberals suck" statement.
It's really sad that these talk show hosts speak about others in our country the way they do just to get their ratings up. One really scary right wing talk show host named Michael Savage comes to mind. I heard a commercial for his show the other day where he was screaming camel jockey. I guess the loving, respectful, accepting christians will for sure tune into to get their daily dose of that compassionate talk.
I agree with one of the previous posters about the Libertarian party. They seem to represent a lot of the ideas I believe in.
Funny thing about Rush though, you ought to hear him talk about Libertarians. To him, and the other talk show conservatives, the Libertarian degree of smaller less intrusive government is just as scary as the Liberals are. I've heard him on more than one occasion refer to Libertarians as too far to the right on social issues. I guess the Republican idea of smaller government is one that will leave you alone as long as you act in a way they approve of.
That's not what I see as personal freedoms.
Well i Have Sirius radio so I just go to and login my username and password, and I then have access to hundreds of talkshows, of just about any topic, from politics to hookers. I listen mostly to Howard Stern while gaming though.
I don't listen to Howard Stern much, but the other day I heard him on the Sean Hannity show. It was hilarious.
Sean Hannity told this crazy lie about how he doesn't think of any other women sexually except his wife. Uhmmm... okay. I though conservatives were honest. Needless to say, Howard jumped all over that.
I admire Howard Stern for one thing, he is an honest person. And as nasty as he can be he still has this charm along with his honesty. It's hard to describe. But that honesty was smacking Hannity right up side his big head.
I usually have the TV goin...(whoever mentioned Seinfeild, love that show!! just had the rerun of the last episode on the other day! wish they didn't stop the show)
I'll watch/listen to whatever is on TV while i play. I'm the kinda perosn that just needs some sort of background sound/noise while i do almost anything. I have to sleep with the TV on (turn on sleep) always have the radio on when i'm driving. Although I am NOT one that has an iPod on all the time, because 1 I hate iPods and 2 I don't own one! but anyways i listen/watch TV while playin ha
Yeah, the whole Iraq war thing was a great idea.
How many more people have to die because of George Bush's lies?
Listen to Howard Stern.
I don't listen to Howard Stern much, but the other day I heard him on the Sean Hannity show. It was hilarious.
Sean Hannity told this crazy lie about how he doesn't think of any other women sexually except his wife. Uhmmm... okay. I though conservatives were honest. Needless to say, Howard jumped all over that.
I admire Howard Stern for one thing, he is an honest person. And as nasty as he can be he still has this charm along with his honesty. It's hard to describe. But that honesty was smacking Hannity right up side his big head.
Man dude, how wrong could ya be, Stern in not honest at all i could give you 5 instances now of his dishonesty.
1. Gag order on opie and anthony
2. 40 million in stock
3. "id never work 4 days a week" oops i actualy work 4 days a week now.
4. "the technology isnt there for a portable unit" The xm myfi portable has been out well over a year.
5. hes added 7 billion extra subs to sirius, hoo hoo hoo rooobiin.
I myself listen to Opie and Anthony on Xm satalite radio religously while i game.
I listen to talk radio while gaming but it doesn't deal with any heavy stuff just talks about funny & strange things and also doubles as a forum for listeners who text in their opinions, if you're interested.
Phantom FM is also a goodie if you're into soft rock/indie,
Both these stations are Irish by the way.
I listen to
listen link:
i watch TV while gaming, no talk show radio stuff
BTW, next time you think your PUG sucks and the people are not paying attention and seem distracted and keep missing things in chat and their attention is wandering...
... remember this thread.
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