Quite unique in how the AI and the story happens, at the same time you control and don't control and just go along as the thins develop on your colony, it's quite fun and i'm playing it for quite a while already.
Only thing i hope is the developer to not obsess with more and more features over polish what he already has to get enough content, a better interface and pretty much life quality improvements that for me the game needs more than anything else.
Otherwise i don't think the developer will ever on his lifetime be able to call this game of finished :chuffed:
Quite unique in how the AI and the story happens, at the same time you control and don't control and just go along as the thins develop on your colony, it's quite fun and i'm playing it for quite a while already.
Only thing i hope is the developer to not obsess with more and more features over polish what he already has to get enough content, a better interface and pretty much life quality improvements that for me the game needs more than anything else.
Otherwise i don't think the developer will ever on his lifetime be able to call this game of finished :chuffed:
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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe