"Online Games" is a huge blanket to toss over these students. I wonder if they pared these studies down to find out which online games have higher scores. I have serious reservations in believing that some particular online games are producing smarter kids than others.
"Online Games" is a huge blanket to toss over these students. I wonder if they pared these studies down to find out which online games have higher scores. I have serious reservations in believing that some particular online games are producing smarter kids than others.
Which do you think are smarter? Kids that play League of Angels 1 or 2?
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
They're playing online games... we knew that already. However, I'm doubtful that the people who play those games AND post here fall into that category. At least, based on some of the posts on the forums (mine included)
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
I self identify as a monkey.
Also, would be extremely surprised if anyone ever finds a causal link (i.e. games improving academic grades).