For everything else, we have to ask "do we want to take time and
resources, and spend money, on something that is already out to bring it
to a new platform, or do we want to forge ahead with new stuff?" And in
most cases, the answer is that we want to forge ahead with new stuff.
It is funny that he P. Hines said this, then Remastered Skyrim...
EDIT: would love to see Rage 2, with all the problems fixed and an open world.
There are keywords in a game description or talk of a new game that trigger a 'move on' or a least a 'not so sure about this...' feeling and the word 'sequel' is one of them.
random point I know
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I am a fan of both games so I would love to sequels to both. More so Rage. I still love that game and play it from time to time.
Yeh the shooting mechanics and enemy AI are top notch in that game. I love(and hate) the way those guys dodge when I try to shoot them. The texturing technology though that id pushed for that game was "meh" though. The scenery and textures look great from a distance, but when you view the environment props up close it's a low-rez mess. I know the whole thing was they didn't want to use repeating textures/tiles but ughhh. Hopefully with the sequel they figure out how to swap or scale the texture resolution when it's viewed up close.
There is an even better solution now. You can now create large relatively complex materials that take into account geometry. So for instance you can describe a material differently if it's more vertical. You can define a pixel on a piece of geometry without a uv map. You can also procedurally generate close up noise. From here you can simply define the material using vertex painting or alphas.
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For everything else, we have to ask "do we want to take time and resources, and spend money, on something that is already out to bring it to a new platform, or do we want to forge ahead with new stuff?" And in most cases, the answer is that we want to forge ahead with new stuff.
It is funny that he P. Hines said this, then Remastered Skyrim...
EDIT: would love to see Rage 2, with all the problems fixed and an open world.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
random point I know
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor