I was getting an error where Steam was taking a long time to allocate space. Usually this process takes no more than a couple minutes. So I run error checks to see if there is some error. Clean the registry of missing keys. TRIM the SSD its going into. Reinstall steam. Then I notice my SSD is only transfering at 3 MB/s with a 1000 ms latency. So I look over the net for SSD optimizations. Then when I was searching the steam forums about this issue there was 1 post buried under 30 replies. He pushed his sata cable in since it came lose. Low and behold problem solved.
In my case I have hot swap-esque bays that my SSDs are plugged into. So it may have become faulty. I replaced them with direct SATA connectors. One of my SSD's clip retainer doesn't work right and I can pop the cable right off. Luckily the area is a tight fit, so using the case to keep the cable in.
Not that SATA cables get really hot themselves, but the inside of a case sure can get pretty warm. Heat that up and cool it down a couple dozen times a day, and things start to wiggle around a bit over time.
I had RAM issues on an old machine back in the early 2000's before I had a good routine and I thought I was going to have to buy a new set of matching RAM, but someone told me to take it out and put it back in again. Sure enough, it fixed the problem.