I do not believe that the ME games are in need of a remaster. Not yet at least. Even ME1 is still quite pleasant on the eye, and ears, at maxed out settings.
Some loved games would greatly benefit from a remaster. I for one can't wait for Starcraft as Blizzard announced the remaster of this classic.
You fel for it.
They are selling already existing material with scant few modifications at premium prices. They are producing OLD MATERIAL if that makes sense. And if it doesn't...it's because it doesn't. It's yet another parlour trick like free to pay.
You're welcome
I do not believe that i fell for anything. If this whole remastering thing goes the way you describe or predict then i will express my distaste and walk away.
I'd really like remastered versions of games i liked to play years ago... if they are done over just a "shiny graphics", and there's actually improvements on how it plays and such. Otherwise it's just a re-skin.
Mannnn, I agree with you, and I don't. You're right that companies have just started what I think, and I'm sure you think, is going to be a full blown trend of remastering old games and re-selling them to us. It takes a shit-ton less effort than creating a new game from scratch, benefits greatly from nostolgia and they can pretty much guarantee that a significant portion of the population will buy it if it's priced just right.
It feels like a scam to be honest.
On the other hand, I'd have a really hard time keeping my wallet shut if they remastered the first three Splinter Cell games with the newest engine. In fact, fuck that, I'd straight up buy them. How about a remaster of KOTOR 1 and 2... fucking sold.
I'd kinda hate myself for it, while playing them too.
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Some loved games would greatly benefit from a remaster. I for one can't wait for Starcraft as Blizzard announced the remaster of this classic.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Let us wait and see first.
It feels like a scam to be honest.
On the other hand, I'd have a really hard time keeping my wallet shut if they remastered the first three Splinter Cell games with the newest engine. In fact, fuck that, I'd straight up buy them. How about a remaster of KOTOR 1 and 2... fucking sold.
I'd kinda hate myself for it, while playing them too.