I've been looking at higher end gaming monitors for my next rig but I also fancy the idea of being able to plug in a PS3/PS4/XBone into it.
For example, I liked this
https://www.asus.com/us/Monitors/ROG_SWIFT_PG278Q/specifications/ but it doesn't look like I can put a console on it.
Any suggestions for a 27"-31" out there? Will consoles look like crap on a gaming monitor? I don't even know lol.
That Dell you linked there doesn't have the rage reviews some of those Asus monitors have but it does have everything I need and anything would probably be better than what I have now. Could be a good stepping stone until 4k rigs and games are commonplace.
What I have is this:
That's an IPS monitor rather than TN, which means much higher image quality than either of the monitors linked so far. Like the others, it is 144 Hz and 2560x1440 resolution, as well as an HDMI port. It's also quite a bit cheaper than the one linked by the original poster, in addition to being better quality.