My gaming machine is 7 years old and the graphics card will not play some newer games. It also has Vista as the operating system. I'm looking to build a new machine that will play new games for another 6 years. I assembled the last one from parts and will have no problem doing that again.
What I don't need or have already chosen for myself: Monitor and other rperipherals, Power Supply, Optical Drive, and Case (assuming it's compatible with the new board). It's a full-size tower ATX case.
What I do need: Motherboard, CPU, RAM, 1 TB solid state HD, graphics card, and Windows.
Budget: $1,200
So, suggestions? I heard something about this being a bad time of year to buy graphics cards, is that true?
I want to help design and develop a PvE-focused, solo-friendly, sandpark MMO which combines crafting, monster hunting, and story. So PM me if you are starting one.
If you've already chosen a power supply, optical drive, or case, but aren't keeping old ones, then I'd like to know what they are.
Enough video cards of the new generation are out that it would be a good time to buy if you could find whichever card you want in stock at MSRP. That's really not the case at the moment, so if you buy a card now, expect to pay about 10% more than if you bought the same card a month or two from now. It's reasonable to say, I want a new computer now and will just pay the extra $50 or so, but it's up to you whether you want to wait.
Also, you will always hear someone saying to wait to buy a new graphics card. Just ignore them, when you're ready to build, buy what you want then. If you're always waiting for the next pass, then you'll never stop waiting.
The amount of stress is irrelevant to the capacitors, they age uniformly just buy having any current pass through them, and even when the power supply is turned off, they will still age because their whole purpose is to hold charge, and hold it when they're disconnected from power.
I would not buy all new components and use a 7 year old PSU lol.
Also I got distracted looking at vertical mice and mouse alternatives if anyone wants to recommend on. I remember seeing one reviewed on this site years ago where it looked like you put your hand inside something like a steering wheel and gripped toward the outside... couldn't figure out what that gizmo was called or if they are still being made.