Chris Roberts made a comment about the future and player owned Homesteads in the Gamescom 2016 Presentation. I've noticed that most people missed it or couldn't reference where this was said, so I thought I would link it for any interested in hearing.
Personally I'm hoping for player cities all over the galaxy sometime in the next 8 years. It would be worth the wait, but like all things Star Citizen - It's very easy to get excited about the possibility.
It's at 1 hour and 29 minutes.
But it certainly adds a gameplay layer and logic to PG Planets the ability to own or rent some sort of buildings, bases, factories, etc... More competition between players and Organizations and possibly motivating PvP,
Though due the instanced ways of Star Citizen i wouldn't know if a player can own the *physical* space. Thinking of it lightly now idk how it could work.
Housing, in any game, isn't something that excites me and i do not invest time in it. For example in SW TOR my strongholds are empty with nothing inside bar a legacy storage container.
Personally i would prefer some other feature in place of homesteads.
The thought of players building out a massive amount of things on these planets and populating the universe is appealing to me and could offer lots of game play layers beyond simple player housing.
I don't know what the reality will be of course, but once again the potential does fire up the imagination.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
In that case it wouldn't be that typical Own Shiny House, place some chairs and tables kind of housing haha xD
Player hangars that you can decorate and that your friends can visit is a second thing. And no, people so far cannot steal anything from it.
Player owned factories or plots of land on planets/moons has been mentioned. But not as something that will be there at launch.
Have fun
I think it would be prudent to say 'possibly in the future' rather than 'in the future', that's what Skelton is getting at after all.
Though every time the possibility or the plan is even mentioned i see people taking it as the feature has been confirmed for the game.