Hear Ye, Hear Ye,
We are SOLA!
SOLA is a group of Christian gamers who seek to develop a community of Acceptance and Encouragement!
SOLA was formed back in June 2012 by Dosmas and a few others who were looking forward to the launch of Guild Wars 2 and have been very successful in that time. We have an overall membership of over 700 people that have played Guild Wars 2, The Secret World, Neverwinter, FFXIV and Rift with us at one time or another.
Due to the excitement surrounding WoW and the demand of our membership we have formed the SOLA WoW branch.
Our Goal is to be known as friendly and helpful members of all games we play including WoW.
While SOLA was founded by Christians it is NOT Required for Membership. All we expect of our membership is to be respectful, and to act in an honorable manner.
We have people from every spectrum of gamers, young and old, hardcore and casual, PvEers, and PvPers. We will strive to be active in all areas of WoW and we will work to accomplish everything WoW has to offer.
The only requirement for membership is to read our code of conduct and to fill out an application with a bit of information about you. If you have any questions, comments or ever want to meet us or join us, come on over to our forums.
We have forums, and a voice chat system that we have used for some time.
May He Bless us All as we tell our Story for HIS Glory!
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
Played: Ultima Online - DaoC - WoW -
[mod edit]
Good luck SOLA almost wish I still played WoW, well not really.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
We are on the Wyrmrest Accord server.
I can't see this server on the European list. It's on USA servers though.
Raid groups looking to start after the new year. Come join the fun!!! www.solaguild.com
I wish you all the luck. I couldn't help but wonder, if but for a moment, as to what Jesus' gear score was.
Also, we are looking to start up a late night PST raid as well
Still looking for a few good players! EST raid going on tonight we will most likely be running RF or Flex in the meantime.
Been having some fun lvling a mistweaver and helping stock up the GB with some good MoP mats! Come join SOLA for some funz!
Everything is good! We're still gaining some new members here and there. We are still needing people for raiding so if you would like to raid in an encouraging family friendly environment please see our guild site at solaguild.com.
Can't believe 1 month of 2014 is all the way gone!! XD
Bumppity bump! Bumppity Bump!
Hey all this is a great community to become apart of! Come check us out! We got cookies! And bacon... and Cupcakes.... mmm bacon and cupcakes....
Yes, join us... MUUAHAHAHA
oh and obligatory bacon and cupcakes reference.
Folks helped me finish up a few old quests and achievements that had been dogging me for months.
Great people. Great community. Come and join us and get away from the toxic.
Recruitment Officer
Black Desert Online - Sola - Orwen (NA)
A family-friendly, Christian-led, drama-free, active guild.
Come check us out!