Anyone remember Mail Order Monsters for the C64? My friends and I played the hell out of that game. It's one that I think an indie developer could reasonably re-make with modern, 2D graphics and UI, without a huge budget. The only thing I question is how it would play without a joystick...Might need controller support. What do you think?
Do you know of any good ones by name? I mean, other than Pokémon. Online competitive play would be nice, but not required.
I'd like auto-battling, I guess, since no joystick or controller. Or player-controlled, if it's not too twitchy. Monster appearance changing would be great. I'd prefer a variety of monsters.
By the way, I just looked up the MOM wiki and read that the lead designer also created Archon. That's another of my C64 action favorites.
Critter Forge is the one I think is most similar to Mail Order Monsters, its free at Kongregate:
Though some of the Monster Rancher series of games are also similar while some are much more RPG ish and less breeding sim. Those are commercial games so you have to either buy or emulate them.
Monster Breeding (free on Kongregate) has the widest variety of western-style monster appearances, changed by breeding. It does not have combat though, the goal is to sell your monsters for a profit.
One with particularly beautiful art and turn-based combat is Flight Rising. Colors are determined by breeding, though body shapes are not. You will need to create an account, which is standard for all virtual pet sites.