I'm building a new pc at the moment and I know some of the items I have aren't the best but I am learning a lot from this experience. One thing that I am a bit confused on is a monitor, I understand the 1080 resolution etc but I don't know if I will be able to run a better resolution. Does anyone have some recommendations for a good monitor please? I have a budget probably between $300-$500.
Here are the parts I have or will have.
Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor CPU cooler
Noctua NH-U9S 46.4 CFM CPU Cooler Motherboard
Asus Z170-A ATX LGA1151 Motherboard Memory
Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory Storage
Crucial BX200 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive GPU
Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card PSU
EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply OS
Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit Soundcard
Creative Labs Sound Blaster Zx 24-bit 192 KHz Sound Card Thanks for any help.
My suggestion would be to get Freesync monitor as a look into the future as its most likely even NVidia will support it eventually, and if not you buy AMD GPU next. Ive just recently bought Freesync monitro and i can say its really awesome, i turned off Freesync after a bit over a week of using it and...well....just cant stand all the tearing now, its terrible ;P with Freesync everything is buttery smooth.
You have a list of Freesync monitors here if youre interested
(scroll down and choose "monitor" tab"
I have LG 23MP68VQ and its awesome, if you dont play teitch games id go for IPS panel 23-27 inch 1080p monitor, mabye even ultrawide.
27 inch
24 incch
If you dotn want ultravide, this is awesome gaming monitor (preferable for twitch games, 144Hz TN panel (1ms respnse) 24 inch
About 80% of the games run fine with 4K. The very latest games need to be downscaled. Games like Overwatch have no problems with 4K at all. This is even more true with 1440p. MMOs especially, are not that demanding. You'll be able to run any mainstream MMO in 1440p (and likely 4K) on GTX 970.
Higher resolution makes a huge difference when reading stuff. It is noticeable, making everything crisper to the eye. This is a large enough benefit for me, outweighing the negatives. Browsing websites and doing non-gaming activities is a lot more comfortable.
The other big reason for high resolution is poor backlighting panels. In the 300$ range, build quality is hit and miss. I've had cases where pixels were very unevenly lit, making individual pixel rows really stand out. This is the kind of thing you can't unsee once you notice it. With higher resolution, this is less of an issue, since the pixels are smaller.
For the downsides. A good amount of software is not 4K (and sometimes not 1440p) friendly. This means the UI size is not optimised. The issue is less true for games, but present in some production software. 3dMax, Maya and the Adobe suite (Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects) do this - apparently it's not an easy fix either, it will take them time to adjust. If you use either of those on a daily basis, I'd advise against 1080p+.
I play a good amount of MMOs, so the performance is a non factor - the 20% of my gaming that is the latest games, I don't mind downscaling resolution. If you mainly play the latest, performance demanding games, 1080p might be more viable.
As always, if you have the option to view a monitor somewhere, go see it! In the end, what matters is if it looks good. You won't care for extra numbers on the specs sheet, if the panel is bad.