I am told I don't like to play WoW even though I have been playing for 10 years. I like to twink. Legion is AWESOME for me because of the PvP changes. I can PvP at any level and never have to grind anything. But this post isn't about twinking or PvP.
It is about why Legion is WoD 2.0 and how neither expansion offered anything for me in the way of content I would be remotely interested in.
In WoD....
I didn't play with my toy soldiers or toy boats in the Facebook game called Garrisons.
I didn't jump through the 6000 hoops to get Pathfinder. (Although I really enjoy flying--I would NEVER EVER complete Pathfinder.)
I didn't try to collect mounts and rep. I have a blue drake and some proto-drakes so I am good on mounts.
I didn't even enter Ashran.
So in Legion...
I won't play with my toy soldiers inthe Facebook game called Order Halls
I won't jump through the 6000 hoops to get the Legion flying achievement.
I won't build an artifact weapon.
I will never earn an honor talent.
I will never roll a demon hunter.
I bet you are thinking "this chick doesn't actually like wow."
I do. I like to fly, and fish and gather swiftthistle and make a new level 29 character in about 40 mins and then lock my xp and get in a 3 minute Q for the battle ground I want to play in.
So Legion has been great for me, but if I were a "traditional player" who is greedy for artificial awards like achievements and boss drops and crafting then I would be very unhappy with a WoD 2.0 expansion.
Complete and utter nonsense.
Dunno how long the guildies she is playing with will last. They all buy the expac's play for a month or so then fade away.
But wife says she likes how they changed things this time. Makes it easier to play with the different specs.
That's all i can go by, the people that i know personally say they like it so far.
That pretty much sums it up how it feels having to play this mmorpg back again with friends in the open world instead of sitting in our garrisons! It can get tricky doing open world pvp (feral druids are so op) but all in all it is very enjoyable to be out in the world exploring to find treasure chests, world quests and rare bosses.
Many, including me, are trying to puzzle out how to unlock those hidden achievements for your artifact most to my knowledge are still unknown. Couple that with world quests, great pvp, loads of dungeons, varying but good stories in every zone and a new crafting system... It feels good.... For now!
I'd say it's nothing like WoD except they're both World of Warcraft. Those emissary chests better reward me with something better than order resources I swear to god.
Consider the lengths of these hidden secrets Blizzard is going for
And for the op, no. Legion is nothing like WoD.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
The need to piss off with the table shit I must say, but the content is there. I keep discovering stuff new to do each day at max level, which I did not have in WoD.
Hit max level in WOD, did dungeons then sat in garrisons till stuff happened.
Here, I haven't even done dungeons yet, got world missions, class quests, x2 profession quests, Suramar, hidden quests/items, Mythic dungeons, Raids ( when they;re out). I have a reason to be logged in and I don't feel my sub is going to waste for the first time in a long time.
Just over a week has passed since then and I've had time to asorb the game and changes they've implimented. I have to admit that I'm actually in awe with what they've produced. I've not felt like this since first stepping into the game back in BC.
The zones look beautiful, they're immersive and the questlines alot of fun. To my surprise the class Order Halls are not time draining. You need to allow 5 to 10min maybe twice a day to get things done.
Levelling professions is good. I'm happy it takes time and there are quests to be done to receive some patters. Again, this makes the world feel immersive. I'm in no rush to get to 800 JC or Tailoring. I've already made around 100k as Ive been levelling these 2 to 730, mainly from prospecting/selling gems.
There is so much to do , I can see this taking me a long time before I feel I've conquered everything I want to.
Classes ruined, classes even more streamlined, boring 4 button rotations, Garrison v2, WoD v2, artefact grind, being stuck with a single spec, alt-unfriendly, no flying, riding sucks due to the map topography, gated content everywhere, professions broken/too expensive/not worth it, single player experience etc. etc.
Going back to WoW would cost me the addon and a sub, which is about 40Eur in total. That is too much just to snoop back into a game that i may or may not be burned out on in a week or two. Plus i only have one level 100 character, because i got bored in WoD after 3 weeks and couldn't be bothered to level my alts.
So, if i'd go back now, i would sub to my current account as it is and play 2-3 more alts up to level 100. Do some profession stuff, some dungeon healing that i love to do and not invest too much time into gearing up.
If the game stays fun to me, i can still buy Legion later on (perhaps even at a discount) and i would have more than just one character, but a variety to chose from and more prepared. If i get bored along the way, i have only invested 12Eur and did not buy the addon through which i would have to drag myself in agony in order to get my money's worth.
That may be the best plan for me, after seing that Legion is not getting all that praise that WoD got in it's early days.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
Stepping into garrisons clicking on the report tables to see all the work put into followers and ships made worthless in a blink of an eye.
Also, I do not care to be the leader of my class and am under qualified for the position - I died three times just trying to get my artifact weapon. Would much rather be a lowly follower and leave all the big business stuff to others more capable of handling it.
Keep in mind that when doing worldquests you'll upgrade your reward every next time you'll do that same worldquest. So this also counts for the Artifact power items.
B : If a company doesn't try and freshen up the gameplay, people will not even think twice about buying their game, so ofcourse we are their test subjects ... since we are the people they are trying to keep happy.
The group instance part of the expansion is fun. The questing is being ordered around by an NPC and I fing hate it.
The OP is kinda confusing. Yes, the game is still mind numbing linear questing as well as garrison like Order Halls. But the grouping dungeon part of the game is still fun and worth slogging through the questing and order halls to get to.
It would have been cool if you had actual profession instances. Imagine Engineering dungeon quest where you have to use your crafted gadgets to complete it. But no, they just send you back the instance you already did during your normal questing. Make your own group, because pugs might not understand why you have to do something else in the dungeons.
I feel for the crafters who don't care about instances, they cant even buy the recipes on ah this time. Engineering is a utter disappointment, the recipes seem to get worse every ep.
The artifact is cool, but what the devs didn't think through is that changing spec just starts a new grind for you now. Because you will have to progress a new artifact. In legion they basically soft lock you into your spec.
tl;dr you are full of crap or don't know yet how high the AP cost rises before you get close to finishing an artifact build.
Of course you can't make it too different since it is an expansion to a MMO instead of a new game but WoD did not do so well (if you measure Wows sub numbers 2 months before release of WoD and 2 months before the release of Legion there was a rather large drop).
So I feel that they probably should have tried to move more in a different direction instead of staying on target. A lot of the problem though was the pacing of updates after WoD and they seems to have realize that and that is good but I wonder if they couldn't have done better.
Still, most players are generally positive so far and that is good. I guess we will just have to wait and see a few months before we can make any final judgment. Truly judging a MMO expansion takes a while after all. sometimes they become better with patches and content that takes a while to clear and sometimes not.