For some background, I attempted to play this at launch a year ago and found it far too dull so I gave it another go this month. I was surprised how much better the game was and how much value you got for $25, especially compared to Pillars of Eternity which is an extremely short game. That said, Divinity is still a hot mess for many reasons. The good news is it's actually worth playing now, at least for some.
+boat load of content, easily twice as much as pillars of eternity
+one of the best RPG battle systems ever made, think a cross between Baldur's Gate and Final Fantasy Tactics
+your dialogue choices actually matter, main characters constantly argue with each other
+some very good voice acting and conversations
+only RPG i've ever played where the barter skill is good
+game runs extremely smooth and saving/loading is very fast
+explorers dream, very open world, you can kill a shopkeeper loot the place then teleport away without breaking the game, etc
-game is still a mess, active bugs preventing game completion, quests that let you update but not complete and you can't remove them, etc
-game pretends to have a class system at creation but couldn't be further
-terrible balance makes choices more limited then they should be, many skills are borderline useless, too easy to make a "good at everything" character, skill system too easy to abuse in general
-human is the only playable race
-can only respec main characters and not until endgame, only 4 party members to choose from and the henchman system is awful
-inventory is a disaster, if you are organized your head will explode with all the random nonsense you have to carry around, also just too much pointless crap to click on and pick up in general. In RPG's 99% of the time less isn't more but Divinity is that 1%
-tons of annoying quality of life issues, retoggling passives constantly, overkill on battle environment effects, easy to missclick and waste your turn, brain rattling mouseovers, video options reset or malfunction once you minimize, etc.
To sum it all up the game is playable now and easily worth $25. It's good but not great. I feel like this combined with Pillars of Eternity would result in the best RPG of all time.
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I would think the lack of a true class system is a huge pro, not a con.
I don't see how its possible to make a good at everything character. There arent enough stat points for this. Also, if you play on tactician you'll want to dump ability points into stuff like willpower and bodybuilding.
I agree that inventory management is tedious but the amount of items you can pick up isnt remotely uncommon for the genre. Fortunately there are a lot of handy but not obvious quality of life things with it, such as the ability to identify items while they are in a chest so you can give em to the right character off the bat. Also no need to pass something to your crafter to repair.
I agreed about the environment effect overkill initially, but its such a monumental part of the strategy on tactician. Although Ive stunned myself numerous times forgetting that blood conducts electricity.
some cons I'd add:
Very slow to get going, lots of running around Cyseal for hours.
NPC background voice: recycles FAR too frequently. I hear some merchants in my sleep.
It would be very hard to be successful on tactician without supplementing your income by becoming an art thief. Its far too easy to abuse this, and its a borderline requirement.
Story isnt very engaging. Its not bad, but its just kind of there.
But the pros far, far outweigh the cons. I havent played PoE yet, but this blows away other recent RPGs. Absolutely love the combat system.
If you make a dual wield melee mage with 4 hydro, 2 aero, 1 pyro, 1 geo, 1 scoundrel, 1 man at arms, 2 craft, 2 blacksmith he can cover almost all your bases single handedly. And you still have 3 characters left to handle the rest. And that's not even abusing throwaway henchmen to do all your crafting, etc. To say this skill system is easy to abuse is a massive understatement.
I look at your Pros and Cons list and don't think it even remotely worth playing, let alone spending money on it.