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OK. Listen up. Allllll I ever see is people on FFXI boards asking if its noob friendly, is it hard?, is it worth it, is the economy screwed etc etc. I was in the same boat as all of you not too long ago when looking for a new MMO to play.
The first thing I would like to touch on is the "forced partying" that everybody seems to have a problem with. If you have ever played a Final Fantasy game before you will notice that you are ALWAYS in a group, that is just how FF works. Square-Enix is trying to keep that FF feel by keeping you grouped, so dont look at it as a bad thing, look at it as a final fantasy thing. They have to keep the FF elements or they cannot keep the name.
Secondly, the grind. ITS NOT THAT BAD PEOPLE. Sure its worse than wow or eq2 but isnt that what we are all looking for? I can tell you that I solod from lvl 1-10 in a few hours my first night playing. Not bad. After 10 you will always be grouped and lvling gets even easier, technically. So if you are one of those "casual players" you will be just fine if you can spend like two hours a night playing. Dont sweat it. Besides youll be having so much fun with people you wont even notice.
Economy and Community. Sure the economy has gotten a little bad but guess what? This will not be a problem for new people. I GUARANTEE you that as soon as you start your character and start talking to people SOMEBODY will gear you up, thats just how it works in this game. The community is so great that they are aware that the bad economy scares us and the players want to keep us in the game so they help out as much as possible.
The game is fun, and very in depth. Much to see and do. The story is great. Please give it a try yourself without listening to all the bad talk. I took a chance and it was well worth it. I am not saying this game is for everybody, but then no game is. Sure it takes a little time and hard work to get into it and get used to the interface and whatnot but as soon as you get around lvl 10 it all takes off from there. Please do not respond to this post with negative thoughts. I did not post this to bash people who do not like the game, thats your choice. I posted this to give a reassuring nudge to those who are worried about playing. So go pick up the vana diel collection for like 30 bucks and start playing!
Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
everybody seems to have a problem with. If you have ever played a Final
Fantasy game before you will notice that you are ALWAYS in a group,
that is just how FF works. Square-Enix is trying to keep that FF feel
by keeping you grouped, so dont look at it as a bad thing, look at it
as a final fantasy thing. They have to keep the FF elements or they
cannot keep the name
in my opinion why pay to play a mmorpg MassiveMULTIPLAYEROnlineRolePlayingGame when all your goign to do is solo
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Yeah i agree with that really, why would you play a MMORPG if all you want to do is run about by yourself? might as well just play eldarscrolls if thats the experience your looking for.
Ive got to admit the game when you start off its a bit complicated and it takes a little while to master, however it has to be said that the game is full of high level players who know the in and outs of the game and most are more than willing to help out any newbie to the game and as Ozeth said, gear you up. More often than not when im dealing with some personal equipment needs back in San d'Oria and see a newbie in need of help i take time out to give any advice and help that character needs and even on several occassions followed them for the first 5 odd levels to make sure they didnt make any classic mistakes or get themselves killed.
Im personally getting tired of a growing trend in newbies these days that want to start the game at lv 60 and have all the best gear. Trust me its the getting to the high levels thats fun, once you reach the level restrictions and completed all the quest you can, most of the experienced players start up a new class from scratch or even create a new character in a new server. The battles and quests are only a small portion of the game and in fact the great part of it is the community you get.
By all means if you want to run around in Roleplay mode as i have on many occassions you'll easily find others willing to join you, but remember that same rules apply, if your a jerk you wont have friends and the one thing you need above all else in this game is friends.
"and the fires of heaven rained, and humanity was brought upon its knees..."